Monday, September 29, 2008

Deja Vu? Matthew 14 and 15

This is funny to me. In Matthew chapter 14, we have the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (we know it was much more than that because they only counted the men). In this story we see the disciples going a little nuts when Jesus says to them, "You feed them." They freak out, and Jesus saves the day by taking the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and continues to fill the baskets so that everyone not only eats, but is full!

The very next chapter in chapter 15 (probably a few days to a week later), we see Jesus with a crowd of about 4,000 men (plus women and children). Jesus poses the question to the disciples of Him knowing that the people are tired and hungry, and He doesn't want to send them away for fear they might faint along the way. I wish we had tones of voices and sarcasm in the Bible, because it says that the disciples say, "Where will we get food enough to feed so many people?" I'm not sure, but this almost seems like they're being sarcastic, you know? Like they know exactly where to get the food, and they just want to see Jesus do the miracle again! I almost liken it to when I'm playing hide and go seek with my daughter, and she's in the room with me, and I see her, but I pretend not to, so I'll ask, "Where is Cecily? I don't see her? Where could she be?" Of course, she'll start giggling and want me to acknowledge that I see her. It's fun. The disciples here had to have been thinking that this situation seems really familiar. Like, oh, didn't this just happen last week? I'm not gonna freak out this time. Let's just trust Jesus this time, it'll be way cooler. And, of course, Jesus takes the food that they have and multiplies it and everyone is full again.

Is there something that you need to trust Jesus for today? Maybe your daily needs? Maybe a relationship? Maybe a habit you're trying to break? How about expecting Him to do something mighty in your life instead of freaking out about the obstacle in front of you? Have a great day!

Ron Foster

Friday, August 22, 2008

Peace or division?

37 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. "

These are the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 10 as He is sending out the 12 disciples on an outreach missions trip! But how could Jesus say these words? They seem pretty strong right? In some other versions, it's even more harsh words like using the words, unless you hate your father or mother, you're not worthy of me. This sounds pretty harsh. Well, not if we look at the big picture. Let's take a look at the whole context of what He was saying here.

34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- 36 a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.' 37 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. "

So now we have another odd phrase here. "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Doesn't this seem like a contradiction? Especially since I don't ever remember Jesus getting into a sword fight! There was that one time that He drove all of the merchants out of the Temple, but He used a whip for that. Well, let's stop and think about what a sword does. It cuts things, people, and animals. It slices them. It DIVIDES them. What Jesus was saying here was that I am a dividing line in people's lives. People will either be for me or against me. Within households, some will believe and follow Christ, and others will reject Christ and those that follow. Jesus will be a point of contention between family members, friends, even countries! He's saying that you're going to have people that are close to you that will reject me and you will have to make a choice of who you love with all of your heart...those people or Him.

Let me ask you now. The line has already been drawn. Jesus has used the sword to make the dividing line. Who will you give your life to?

Have a great weekend guys!

Ron Foster

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Things I Love.

Here are my loves. I love my God! I do. In Him is life, and my life is found in Him. I love my wife. She is my best friend. She is my queen. She is my bride. I love my daughter. There is no feeling in the world of when I walk in the house at the end of the day and she squeals, "Daddy!" and comes running to wrap her arms around me as I pick her up close. I love that she asks if I want to play with her. I love that she prays, brushes her teeth, and reads books with me. I love being a pastor. I love preaching. I love sharing God's Word with people in a creative way that gets them excited about having a relationship with Him, and getting into His Word personally. I love teenagers. I love getting to be a part of their lives when they are making the decisions that will affect their lives forever. I love seeing them come to Christ, grow closer to Him, and introduce their friends to Jesus. I love my friends. I really view this part of my life as a gift from God that I don't deserve. I have been truly blessed with some incredible friends that live literally all around the world. There are too many to list here, so I won't put some on here and leave some off. Those are some of my loves. Thanks for letting me share.

Ron Foster

Sunday, June 15, 2008

September Concert!

Awakening Music Festival
Newsboys, Skillet, Matthew WestBritt Nicole, Nevertheless, Echoing Angels, Run Kid Run, Justin LookadooBull Run Park - Centreville, VA September 13, 2008
For info contact: 703-669-5055 For more info Click Here

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Little Rest

I've been on vacation now for 10 days with 3 more to go. I say that to say that this trip has given me new motivation and energy for many things including this blog. As I thought about it, I went straight from my ministry in Long Island to the ministry in Annapolis without a blink. It turns out, I needed a break. My daughter needed a break. My wife needed a break. I loved looking over at my daughter this morning sleeping away on her little bed. It was the greatest. Normally she is the one getting me up and this morning I woke up, went to Dunkin Donuts to get my wife some coffee and a bagel for the girls, and came back. My daughter was still sleeping! She wasn't just sleeping, she was resting. She was comforted knowing that mommy and daddy were right there and she didn't have to worry about a thing. That makes me think of when Jesus said, "Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." I want to encourage you to bring your worries, concerns, and burdens to the cross today, and in return receive rest from the Lord! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Thursday, April 17, 2008

You want it, you got it! E-100 Day 32 (1 Samuel 8-10)

I think I was in either 5th or 6th grade. One of my best friends, Steve Barnes, was going to be spending the night at my house. I didn't have too many friends spend the night, so it was a big deal when I did have someone over. We were ready to party! Steve got to be a part of our family's Friday Night Ritual: Go to Hollywood Video and rent 3 movies, then to Pizza Hut to pick up the 2 large pepperoni pizza's (for me, my brothers, and Steve) and 1 veggie pizza (for my mom and dad), then head home! Normally we would watch one or two of the movies on Friday night and save the other one for the next day. But tonight was special. All of the movies were ones that me and Steve picked out, and we were determined to watch all of them Friday night! Bear in mind that we would start watching the movies until T.G.I.F. was over on ABC. We had eaten our pizza, drank our soda, and watched the first movie. During that time, I had also been mixing my famous chocolate chip cookie dough from scratch (something my mom taught me how to do at 6 years old). I made a double batch even, so this big mixing bowl was filled! Steve and I brought the big bowl in the living room with us and two spoons! Everyone else was getting ready for bed, and we were allowed to stay up and watch the movies. My mom gave us a warning, however, "Don't eat too much of that dough, you'll get sick to your stomach."

We heard the warning. We understood the warning. But we were determined to eat a ton of cookie dough anyway. We ignored the warning. We paid for it in the morning. We were sick as dogs. We were determined to do what we wanted. Much like Israel in our reading today. They wanted a king. Samuel gave them this horrible warning of what would happen if they had a king, and their response was, "We want a king anyway!"

This totally challenged me to really stop and listen when people that are looking out for me try to give me advice or a warning. Hopefully, the next time we will actually stop, listen, and learn from what others might be trying to save us from. How about you? How are you at taking advice or warning? Are you rolling your eyes right now? Maybe it's time to sit up and listen. It might save you alot of trouble. Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Monday, April 14, 2008

A quick break 2 Corinthians 11:22-33

Have you ever had one of those moments where someone is complaining about their day, and you're thinking to yourself, "That's it? That's your problem? That's nothing!" There are times when I begin to feel like I've either accomplished everything myself, or that my problems are the worst ones around. In this passage, Paul had come across some people that felt that he wasn't justified to be the one to correct them or that he hadn't paid his dues as an apostle/preacher. Then Paul laid it all out. Let me summarize for you. So far in Paul's journey's he had:

Given a scourging (39 lashes with a cat of nine tails like Jesus had - 40 was a death sentence) 5 times!
Beaten with rods 3 times
Shipwrecked 3 times
Left adrift at sea once
Dragged outside the city and stoned one time
And the list when on!

After reading this, I was reminded of when I was in Bible College and there was a Pastor visiting from Russia. He was in his 60's. He began to share how many times he had been put into a prison camp for preaching the Gospel, and basically put it in perspective as to what real persecution is. Here I had thought that I had "endured" for Christ because I had sat at home on a Friday night or two missing out on the party, been called a name or two because I was in school to be a pastor.

I say all of that to say this: I have been challenged this week to be reminded of our mission as followers of Jesus Christ, and the lessons that He taught when He was here. Jesus said that if the world hates me, the world will hate you too. This is a hard lesson to swallow simply because no one wants to be hated. I want to be liked. But if I'm following Christ with all of myself, then there will be people that don't get it, and will actually try to hurt me physically, emotionally, or financially. And when that happens, I hope I can be like Paul, and brag about it! Have a good one guys.

Ron Foster

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Come Again? E-100 Day 31 (1 Samuel 1-3)

From the reading today, focusing on chapter 3, we see Samuel as a boy living in the Temple. First of all, wow! How would you like to grow up living in the church building? Seems odd to us, but Samuel didn't seem to mind. Eli, the main priest is going blind and is relying on Samuel to help him and learn some of the duties of being a priest. It's night time, Samuel is asleep, and he hears his voice being called. The only one that would call him is Eli, so he runs in and reports. Eli tells Samuel to go back to bed, he didn't call him. It happens a second time, and again, Samuel is sent back to bed. It happens a third time and you gotta be thinking that Samuel is getting annoyed with Eli. Eli realizes someone is calling Samuel, so he gives instructions to answer back and that it's God calling him. Woah! What? God audibly calling someone! Ron, that doesn't happen! I don't believe this stuff! Well, before dismissing this altogether, ask yourself why you choose not to believe it. Is it because you've never expereienced it? I've never been to Antarctica, but I don't dismiss it as not existing just because I've never seen it or been there. Moving on, God gives Samuel a revelation about Eli's family (basically, his sons were corrupt people and were going to be punished). This is the story, but I want to challenge you with this. God still speaks to people and reveals Himself to people. I wonder when was the last time we got rid of the distractions and noise in our life to actually sit and listen and hear His voice? Why don't you try getting alone with Him today? Have a great day, guys!

Ron Foster

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Boaz who? E-100 Day 30 (Ruth 1-4)

The Bible is full of characters that become the hero of the story and we get these pictures in our minds of how great they are or how athletic or strong or smart or cunning they are. In today's reading, I love how the hero of the story (Boaz) doesn't necessarily do anything heroic. He is just living his life trying to do the right things, and that makes him heroic! We see the huge lesson of loyalty and friendship from Ruth. We see the great story of trusting God to take care of us. But I love the story here from Boaz's perspective.

From his perspective, he just sees this drop dead hottie roaming his fields as they are going through for their harvest. He's a little older than her. She seems like she might be out of his league a little. He needs a way to get in good with her, so he tells his workers to purposefully leave behind extra food for her. It works. Eventually he gets her story. Finds out the proper way of going about marrying her and has to give some guy alot of money to do so (a crazy custom, if you want to know about it, leave a comment and I'll let you know). And marries her. Boaz was then given the title, "The kinsman redeemer". He was given this title because Ruth's husband who had passed away, was related to him. That made them "kin". He was able to "redeem" Ruth by marrying her as a part of this custom. He gave her a great life. He was heroic. He was her knight in shining armor. Boaz went about the whole process in an honorable and proper way.

Has there been anything happen in your life where you felt you were just living life, and someone made a big deal about what you were doing? Just think. You might be living your life the way that could honor God and it can be heroic! That's exciting! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Struggles of a Man E-100 Day 29 (Judges 13-16)

A guy will do alot of things to get the girl. Sometimes they're great and noble things. Sometimes they're stupid and idiotic things. I heard of a guy in my school that was going to be proposing to his girlfriend. We were living in Springfield, MO at the time. He took his g/f to the St. Louis Arch. They went to the top. When they got to the top and were looking down, he said, "Hey, look down there. There are some people spelling something out with those big rocks." They both looked down to see several people putting stones in place. Once they were in place, it was clear that they were spelling out, "MARRY ME (the girls name that I forgot)". Once she read it, it really hadn't hit her that it was her name and as she backed away from the window, to look at her boyfriend, he was down on one knee. She was stunned and said yes! She thought they were just going for fun to see the Arch, when he had arranged for many of thier friends to be there arranging those rocks.

I also had a teenager in my youth ministry that loved God. He wanted everything to do with God and church and youth group. Then he met this girl that showed him some attention. She wanted nothing to do with God, church, or our youth group. When I talked with him about it, he wasn't putting the two together like they had anything to do with each other. He wasn't seeing that this new love interest would have any bearing on his love for God. He ignored my warnings. Eventually we saw this young man coming to youth group more sporadically. He began to back away and eventually stopped coming all together.

These are two examples of doing some very noble things and stupid things in order to get the girl. From our reading today, we see that Sampson, unfortunately, was one of those guys that made stupid decisions to get the girl. The first was with his wife (who did not follow God). At their own wedding, he caved in on giving up some information to her because she was nagging him and it cost him. Then later on in life, he's meeting up with Delilah (out of wedlock) and same thing happens with her nagging him, but because he would rather get the girl, he gives up himself.

Why do we do that? What is it that makes us so dumb sometimes? The power of a woman over a man is an incredible thing. What's more incredible is when a man gives control of his life not to a woman, but to Jesus Christ! Some incredible things can really start to happen when we do that, and when we've given the power of our lives to Jesus Christ, it protects us from giving it to a woman! Let's face it, we all fall prey to their charm. They're lovely. They're great. They're worth getting to know. But make sure to invest in the ones worth getting to know. Give your heart to God and He'll be the one to give you a great girl. Have a great day guys.

Ron Foster

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mighty Hero! E-100 Day 28 (Judges 6-7)

It was the end of the soccer season of my freshman year. I didn't play much. Mainly when the game wasn't super close and one of the fullbacks was tired. We were in practice, and only had one game left. I was sprinting toward a loose ball. On the other end of the loose ball was Hector. Hector was a senior and one of the best players in the state of California. As we got close to the ball, I backed down in fear of getting run over. Hector kicked the ball away, then turned around and came after me, grabbed my shirt and slammed me down. "Am I bigger than you?" Hector was yelling at me! "Ron, you are solid! You should be starting, but you play like a ______! If you would just be confident, you can run anyone over!" Hector saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. It shocked me. It also motivated me, and did give me confidence. Hector worked with me all summer long even after he graduated. I came into practice my sophomore year a different player and ended up as the starter at sweeper because I was so aggressive in getting after the ball. I never would have made that change in how I approached the game and life without Hector seeing something in me that I didn't see in myself.

Gideon was the least in his family. His family was the least in their tribe. His tribe was the least of all the tribes. So you can imagine his shock when the angel of the Lord came to him while he was basically hiding out and addressed him as "Mighty Hero"! The angel of the Lord knew what God was going to do through Gideon even though Gideon didn't know it yet. Can you think back to a time when someone saw something in you that you didn't see in yourself? Did it motivate you to try? Did it make you entertain the thought that just maybe that person was right and you could do what they saw in you? Did you know that when Jesus looks at you in your present state and calls you righteous? I know you don't see it in yourself, but God sees what His Son did on the cross for you! Can that help motivate you to start acting like a child of the King rather than a failure, a screw up, or a rebel? I know it does for me, knowing that Jesus sees me that way. How about you? Will you live as a child of the King today? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Friday, March 28, 2008

Didn't See That One Coming. E-100 Day 27 (Judges 4-5)

Have you ever planned something out, or envisioned how a certain situation would go down with the best and worst case scenarios only to see a twist come in at the end that you didn't see coming at all? The movie Sixth Sense comes to mind. Think back to the first time you watched it. You're watching, you're watching, you're engaged. Everything is getting solved with the kid, and he tells his mom that he "sees dead people all the time!". He figures out how to help the dead people. Now you're thinking all that's left is for Bruce Willis to mend his marriage, and then the wedding ring drops out of his wife's hand. And it all becomes clear in one instance that you didn't see the entire movie, that Bruce Willis is dead! Oh my gosh! What a twist!

Well, in today's reading we see that Israel has once again turned away from God. There is a prophetess named Deborah, and she tells a man named Barak that God has chosen him to lead the people in victory over the enemy! Awesome news right? Well, apparantly, that wasn't good enough for Barak, so he tells Deborah, I'll go if you go with me. That's like a 12 year old boy going to play baseball at the park with all the guys and saying to his mommy, I won't go unless you go with me! Come on, man! Anyway, Deborah agrees and informs Barak that the honor of this battle will go to a woman.

So there out there in battle and the general of the army that they are going up against is named Sisera and is the man! The Israelites are quickly winning this battle right from the beginning, and Sisera sees this. He gets off his chariot and runs away, leaving the rest of his army to die. He makes it to a tent of someone who is on neither side of the battle, and only the wife is home, Jael. Jael says he can come on in, and hide him. Sisera tells her to get him some water and then stand at the door of the tent and be on watch. Jael gives him milk instead of water (remember they didn't have refrigerators back then, and what does warm milk do to us...makes us sleepy). Sisera falls asleep. Jael goes and gets a hammer and a tent spike. She walks up to Sisera and HAMMERS THE TENT SPIKE INTO HIS HEAD! WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where did this come from? What a twist! When Deborah said that the honor of the battle will go to a woman, we were all thinking that she was talking about herself, but it turns out that she was talking about this housewife with a tent spike named Jael! How awesome!

It makes me think though. Barak let that one slip. God was going to accomplish this plan and Barak didn't jump at his opportunity to be fully used by God. He was still used, but it makes me wonder how many times I didn't jump into God's plan 100% the way God wanted me to at the time He wanted me to do it. Let's not miss an opportunity today! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Message From GOD!!! Judges 3

We can all think of different guys in movies that in their character, they were the ultimate "tough guy". Russell Crowe in Gladiator, Mel Gibson in Braveheart, Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Another one of my favorites, also has one of my favorite lines of any movie. In Crocodile Dundee, Paul Hogan is with his lady friend walking through NYC as a shady looking character dressed more like Michael Jackson from Bad than a mugger approaches and demands his wallet. As he says this he pulls a knife on Paul Hogan's character. The notion of this prompts Hogan's ladyfriend to say, "Give him your wallet. He's got a knife." This makes Hogan smile and he responds, "That's not a knife..." as he reaches under his coat from his back, "that's a knife" emerging with this gigantic knife that makes the mugger run away! Love it!

Well in Judges 3, Israel finds itself under oppression and rule to fat King Eglon and the Amalekites for 18 years! They cry out to God, and God raises up a judge or rescuer named Ehud. Now we don't know if God told Ehud he'd be the man or if God had many people ready and no one was stepping up so God might have been waiting for someone to step up to the plate. But Ehud is chosen to be the guy that brings the taxes from his hometown to the King. He delivers the taxes, starts walking out, then decides to walk back into the throne room and tells the King that he has a secret message for him. The king sends everyone else out of the room, and Ehud approaches the throne. As he gets near, Ehud yells, "I have a message from God" Ehud then reaches into his robe and pulls out a huge knife roughly the length between your elbow to your finger tips and shoves it into Eglon's stomach! Here's the crazy part...Ehud loses the knife into the stomach of King Eglon! Ehud climbs out the window and sneaks back home. He tells his community what he's done and they go to battle and defeat everyone around! That's not a knife, that's a knife! Talk about guts, Ehud had it! What can we do this week to be daring for Jesus? Can we be a revolution? I would love to hear your thoughts or comments on this blog if anyone reads it... Thanks guys, have a great day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It Only Takes One E-100 Day 26 (Judges 2:6-3:6)

In my high school English class, I remember one of the things the teacher told us about writing a paper was to put a sentence toward the very beginning or even a paragraph that would summarize what you are about to explain in the rest of the paper. In this passage today, we are given a paragraph like that. It tells us what is about to be explained in more detail for the rest of the book.

Basically the story of Judges will go like this. Joshua has died. Israel has started to worship other gods (Baal and Ashteroth), God allows them to be defeated by all of their enemies, they pray to God asking forgiveness, God will send a judge to rescue them, and it will all happen like that over and over and over.

How could something like this happen? We're also given the reason in verse 10 of chapter 2: "After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel."

That verse really hit me today. I am to love God. I am to know Him and explore a relationship with Him and make Him my life! But I also have a responsibility. It's my job to make sure that the generation younger than me knows how God became real in my life and that He wants to be real in their life too! I could enjoy the greatest relationship with God ever, but if I don't pass it on, then it will be on my head if the next generation falls away from Christ. Why? Because they didn't know, and it was my job to tell them! So I challenge you today (yes, even you teenager). Who are you passing Jesus on to? Who are you investing your life into to make sure the Jesus is passed from your generation to the next. Someone had to have shared Him with you. Now it's your turn. Go to it. Have a great day!

Ron Foster

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back to it!

I've obviously taken a break from my E-100 Book. I can give you all of the excuses: getting packed away and not finding the book until today, switching ministries, getting to know teens, preaching, teaching, planning, getting vans fixed, getting a new car, moving my life, etc...but they are just that...excuses. I have been reading my Bible, just not blogging. I am going to be getting back in my E-100 starting tomorrow and maybe I might just catch up with everyone (not in one day). But I will be starting back where I left off, so my next post will be from Day 26.

Let me just share one quick thing that God showed me the other day, however, from 2 Corinthians 4. As I was reading, the passage mentioned that we are to be lights to the world around us. I stopped reading right when I read that, and started thinking to myself. When God tells us to let our light shine before men and to be a light in the darkness, He isn't expecting me to try harder to live better then everyone else. He wants us to live our lives as transparent as possible so that people don't see us, they see Christ. Then I thought to myself that the only one that stops me from being that light in the darkness When I focus on putting me first and making sure that people see me, they aren't seeing Christ. Excited about the conclusion I had come to on my own, I continued to read soon to find in the next few verses that Paul went on to explain this very thing about us being the ones who get in the way of Christ shining brightly in our lives for other to see! So let me ask you today, when others see you, what do they see more of...Christ in you? or just you? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Starting Over

For those of you that don't know, I have recently moved. It's not one of those moves where you change houses, it's one of those moves where everything is new. It's a new church, a new ministry, a new city, a new house, and new relationships that must be formed. Can I teach? preach? plan cool activities? plan meaningful spirit-driven events? I would say yes to all. But the most important part of being and doing what I do as a youth relationships. Am I confident in that? Sometimes. There is uncertainty in who I'll click with and who I won't. Who will be on board with what we do and who will want nothing to do with me? It's the uncertainty that drives me. It's the not knowing that makes me want to see what will happen. If I knew the outcome, there would be no excitement, no risk, and no faith! Is there anything that you've been avoiding not doing because you don't know the outcome? Why not give it a try and put some weight on the Master instead of our own logic and knowledge? Have a good one.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Now Everybody Scream! E-100 Day 25 (Joshua 5:13 - 6:27)

Let's see. We're getting ready for a battle. It's a battle that will require us to either break down a wall or scale the wall without getting too many of our soldiers killed. We could get some battering rams. We could get some catapults and fire some huge metal spheres at the wall. We could get bows and arrows and while one group is shooting at the people at the top of the wall, others get huge ladders to scale the wall. While all of these might be workable, viable solutions to the battle plan for the children of Israel, God had another strategy in mind...scream. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Um, God, You're pretty good with like creating things, but I don't think this is going to work. God's plan was that they walk around the walls/city of Jericho once a day for six days without talking. Can you imagine being in the walls of Jericho watching this? Here comes this huge army towards your city. You're scared enough as it is. Then they start walking around the city to surround you, not saying a word. They're just looking at you. They walk around one time, then go back to their camp. Creepy! The next day they do it again, and the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next. Then on the seventh day, God's instructions were to walk around seven times, then the priests would blow their ram's horn for a very long note, and everyone was instructed to scream as loud as they could. Imagine again the anxiety being built up with the people of Jericho. There is something different about this day because they are walking around much more. Something is going to happen! They walk around seven times and then everyone stops! The Israelites stop! The people in the wall stop and are frozen...watching! Dead silence! Then all of the sudden, you hear a ram's horn blowing for probably 20 seconds or more. The entire army that has the city surrounded begins to scream! You're getting ready to see them charge because this was normally what would happen before an army would charge...they would scream, but instead they're standing there, screaming. Then it happens. You realize that they don't have any weapons of mass destruction, and before you can think to run, the wall collapses! Not just the wall nearest to you, but the whole wall of the city. The Israelites come in and plunder the place, not to take with them, but to destroy it.

I don't know how Joshua convinced everyone to follow this crazy plan, or if the people were just overly trusting that day. God wanted to show the world that He gives the victory. Especially in this case. I think God definitely needed to something great so the Israelites couldn't take the credit. God's way is always different and doesn't make sense to our way, but it is always the best way. How cool is it that God's way had them all shouting? When was the last time you shouted for God? Why don't you give it a try today. Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Leap of Faith E-100 Day 24 (Joshua 3-4)

Did you ever see the Indiana Jones movies? If you did, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain. In the third one (Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade), Indiana (Harrison Ford) is joined by his father (Sean Connery) whose life study is the Holy Grail (supposedly the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper and also caught His blood when He was dying, and would bring eternal life to any that drink of it). Connery's character over the years has discovered that the Grail is being guarded and that to get to where it is at, one would have to pass through some booby traps. The first one is a clever saying that gets one to kneel down in humility just as a blade comes swooping by that would cut off one's head if they were standing up. Then we get to the second trap of the movie. There are a series of letters on the ground, and Indy has to spell out the name of God, by stepping on the correct letter. If he misses or chooses the wrong letter, he can fall to his death. He makes it though. Then we come to the third and final trap. The clue states, "only a leap from the lion's head will can one prove his worth." So, at that moment, Indy is looking out over a huge canyon while standing on a lion's head. It's an impossible jump for anyone, so he determines that it has to be a leap of faith, so he sticks one foot out into the air and leaps off to find himself standing on a little bridge that couldn't be seen until he was on it.

Joshua, the Israelites and especially the priests were faced with a similar situation. God told them that they were to cross over the Jordan River. No big deal right? They had already seen God part the way for them to cross the Red Sea, so this shouldn't be too hard. But there was something different this time. God wanted the priests that would be carrying the Ark of the Covenant to go out into the water first. Before, God parted the waters and then the people walked across. Here God wanted them to get wet! Go out there, and then I'll part the water! So these Israelite priests took the leap of faith and stepped into the Jordan River which was flowing nice and strong. God rewarded their faith and stopped up the water immediately and allowed for the everyone to cross over! Many times we have the promises from God but we still chicken out in what God has for us, without realizing that the coolest things God has for us are on the other side of the river! That's where God wants you and I today, so what are you waiting for...jump! Leap! Go! Do! Be! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

You Can Do It! E-100 Day 23 (Joshua 1)

People tend to think that Joshua was scared. That maybe he was feeling like he couldn't do it. That he didn't want to be the guy following Moses. That he didn't feel prepared to do what he was being asked to do by God. Some, all, or none of this may be true. What do we know based on God's Word? We know that Joshua was with Moses as his right arm through everything with the Israelites. We know that Joshua went up Mt. Sinai when Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments. We know that Joshua was allowed to go into the tent with Moses when Moses would meet with God and that Joshua would stay even after Moses left. I think Joshua trusted that God would take care of everything, but it still helped to get those words of encouragement from God Himself..."Be strong and courageous". That phrase is mentioned three times in this chapter alone. Twice it is said by God and once by some men Joshua was talking to.

I was always confident before going into any game of any sport. I always had a little bit of anxiety, but I was confident. I'll never forget my sophomore year. We had one of the best soccer teams around, especially our defense. Our goalie, Albert, was the man. Not only was he tall enough to get those ones hit up in the corner, but he was athletic and could grab the low shots too. I played sweeper. This is the last guy before you get to the goalie. I was at sweeper because I was a slide tackling fool, and rarely missed. Our center fullback was Craig. Craig could have played sweeper, but he was a little better at offense than me, so he would go up alot on offense and I would stay back. Then we had two guys on the wings. I can't quite recall who they were (give me a's been almost 15 years!). We had a big game coming up, and our assistant coach, Hector (refer to one of the older posts) pulled me aside before getting on the bus and said, "You're riding with me." He had never done this before, so I was both excited and thought it was a little odd. The whole ride up there, Hector was encouraging me and pumping me up for the game. He gave me a game goal of getting 20 slide tackles in the game. I was ready to do it! Then when we were getting close to the field, Hector put on "Eye of the Tiger" know the Rocky song? He pumped it up through his 15" speakers in the back of his car and 6"x9" speakers throughout! When we pulled into the parking lot next to the bus with the rest of the team, Hector and I were shouting! I was rocking back and forth in my seat! I jumped out and ran to the bus with my adrenaline rushing! The door opened, and I jumped up to the front of the bus and proceeded to pump up everyone on the bus! We were wild men! We came running off of the bus screaming! The other team took a look at us and realized that they were in for a fight! They didn't have a chance and we hadn't even started the game! We were strong and courageous! We were already confident, but now we had that extra push that Joshua got as well, to move with such a confidence that everyone knew which side was going to win before any battle even took place! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Finding Favor With God E-100 Day 22 (Exodus 32-34)

I sat reading. There was alot to cover in these three chapters. Moses and Joshua go up Mt. Sinai in a cloud of smoke for 40 days and 40 nights. The people think he's dead, so they turn to Aaron and request him to make "new gods to lead us". Aaron crafts a golden calf from the gold that the Israelites had received from the Egyptians on their way out of town. Moses and Joshua come down the mountain with Moses busting everyone and throwing down the tablets with the commandments on them. Moses then melts the golden calf and makes everyone drink it. Then, Moses draws a line in the sand of those that are for God and those against God, leading him to send those for God on a killing spree against those against God killing 3,000 people! After all of this, things start to calm down with the Israelites on the move again. I found two things that stuck out to me in the passages following this series of events.

The first is that Joshua (Moses' assistant and understudy) hung out in the tent where God's presence was all day. It says in Chapter 33 that even after Moses would be done speaking with God, Joshua would stay in the tent!

Second, is that Moses pleads for the people to God and then asks to see God's presence, and here is God's response to Moses in v.17 of chapter 33. "I will indeed do what you have asked, for you have found favor with me, and you are my friend." WOW! What an incredible two statements: "You have found favor with me" and "You are my friend"! This isn't your best friend talking, this is God Almighty! So what was so special about Moses that he could find favor with God? I believe it was a few things.

1) Moses feared God. He talked with God, which we're going to get to in a second, but with a tone of respect and reverance.

2) Moses listened to God. He not only did what God said, but he took what God was saying to heart. It wasn't just instructions to Moses. It was a conversation.

3) Moses spent time with God often. This was to talk, to listen, to complain, to be with God.

4) Moses obeyed God. Even if he didn't understand or even agree at times, he trusted God and obeyed, leaving the results and details up to God.

Just some thoughts to think about. Have a good one guys.

Ron Foster

Friday, February 8, 2008

Let's have a talk E-100 Day 21 (Exodus 19:1-20:21)

Did I really read that right? Could I have missed this for so many years? Have I been so interested in getting to the Ten Commandments that I totally skipped over what happened before that? WOW! God wasn't just going to reveal Himself to Moses here, but to all the people and allow them to hear His voice! What a privilege! What a worship service here, right? The passage here says that God covered the mountain with smoke and that was His presence. He also gave certain boundaries not to cross toward Him, or else they would die. It goes down like this. Moses told the people that they needed to purify themselves (get cleaned up). Then he lets them in on what is about to take place...that God Himself is going to come and hang a little bit. Not just with Moses, but with all of us! We can't cross a certain line toward the mountain or else death will follow, either by stoning or by arrows. So God's presence is among all the people and they all see and hear God! What an incredible day that was! To me, more than the plagues, more than being led out of Egypt, even more than crossing the Red Sea, because this was something that everyone could see and experience and be a part of. And while God made sure to let everyone know that He was God and was to be feared, just the simple act of Him coming down and revealing Himself to everyone shows that He does love us and cares about what happens to us. How can you show someone today that you care for and love them with no strings attached? Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Power! E-100 Day 20 (Genesis 13:17-14:31)

Most of us have seen the show Home Improvement starring Tim Allen as Tim (the Toolman) Taylor. He had a phrase that was repeated throughout the show where he would have a power tool or something like that and he wouldn't be pleased with it, so he would ask, "You know what this needs? MORE POWER!!!"

Well in this passage we find the Israelites heading toward the Red Sea. We also find Pharaoh angrier then ever. He gets his whole army, leaving no one behind to go out to destroy the Israelites. The Israelites are now trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army! Enter God's response...MORE POWER! God tells Moses that there is a path available if he'll only put out the shepherd's staff toward the water and it will be shown to him. Moses obeys and God parts the waters in two and the Israelites walk across not through mud, but on dry ground! In the meantime, God also put Himself as a barrier between the Egyptian army and the Israelites, giving them time to cross the Sea. As soon as they are across, God removes the barrier and the Egyptian army takes off after the Israelites the same way they just went through the Sea. Unfortunately for them, God decides to say MORE POWER again and closes the walls of the Sea on the army and not one of them is spared.

Ever find yourself in a situation that you can't think or find a way out of? Guess what? We serve a God that cares about what we care about and also loves to work in our situations that cause us to acknowledge that He has MORE POWER than we can even imagine! The catch is that we have to give God the chance to work. So many times we stand in the way of letting God do something awesome and we miss out on seeing something incredible in our lives the way God would want to. So let's call on the one with the MOST POWER and let Him do something great in our lives today! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

God the Righteous Judge E-100 Day 19 (Genesis 12:1-42)

The great part of God that most people tend to focus on is that He loves us so much. God is a loving God. God loves everyone. God is love. Ok, we get that. But do we sometimes forget about some of God's other traits and characteristics and only focus on love? For instance, God is all knowing. God is all powerful. God is also a righteous, holy judge. It is because God is righteous and holy that makes the impact of His love so great. In this passage we have an example of God in His role of Judge. He has declared the people of Egypt guilty and was now going to carry out the sentencing. Here is where God's love also comes in. God says...guilty, but then says you don't have to be a part of this sentencing if you follow my instructions. God provided a way, by way of a sacrifice, to show that those people worshipped Him in that household and when God was coming around, the symbol on the house would be the blood of the sacrificed lamb on the doorpost. So now it's like God has on tinted glasses and anywhere the blood is on the doorpost, that door lights up as ones that are obeying Him and He will pass by. So even when God is in His role of Righteous Judge, He still finds a way for us to be saved from judgment. Hmmm, saved from judgment. I have a feeling that is going to come up again in the Bible. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tin Cup! E-100 Day 18 (Exodus 6:28-11:10)

One of my favorite sports movies is Tin Cup with Kevin Costner. In the movie, Costner plays a golf pro who at one point in his life was really good and had a chance to be on the PGA Tour, but wouldn't listen to his caddie and failed. The movie starts with him now living in a trailor in the middle of nowhere running a driving range. He ends up getting a chance to be in a tournament and beat his long time rival and get back on the tour when he finds himself facing a dilemma. He had to make his next shot over the water. Now the water was really far away, so if was going to clear it, it would have to be the shot of his life. The best thing to do, would be to hit it so it would be just short of the water, and then it would be an easy shot over the water from there. Costner's character goes for it and the ball rolls into the water. Then at that point, instead of taking his drop right by the water he refuses and decides to hit again from where he's at! He misses time and again only at his caddie's disgust to see Costner basically throw away the tournament that he was winning. How could anyone be so stubborn and stupid?

Enter the Pharaoh of Moses' day. Time and again he was given the opportunity to not have these plagues come down on him and his country, but because of his stubbornness and stupidity, everyone else around him suffers, except the Israelites! I don't know about you when you read this passage, but it turns my stomach a bit. It makes me evaluate if I'm being stubborn toward anything that God wants to change in me and hopefully let that stubbornness flee from me before it's too late! Maybe today, you could do the same. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

What's in your hand? E-100 Day 17 (Exodus 3:1-4:17)

In this passage we see Moses living as a shepherd. And in his ordinary life, God shows up. God reveals to Moses that He is going to use him to lead His people out of Egypt, back to the promised land. Immediately, Moses' response (and probably our response too) is to start question his skills, or lack thereof, that are needed to accomplish such a task and uses his lack of skills as a reason to not be used. But I love God's response. He doesn't scold Moses, or injure him, or move one from him. God asks Moses a simple question: What is in your hand? Why is this so important? It's important because what was in Moses' hand was his shepherd's staff, but given to be used by God, it was going to be the instrument or symbol used by God to bring about all of the plagues, and even to cross the Red Sea!

God gives us tasks to accomplish and a mission to succeed in, and what He asks us even now is, "What is in your hand?". God wants to use those things that are already in your life, that you already know how to do and don't even consider to be important or significant and make them mighty in use for Him! So what's in your hand? It could be typing. Maybe you're incredible with children, or senior citizens, or teenagers. Maybe you are a great host and love to cook for people. Whatever it is, God is asking you, "Will you let Me use what you have their for My sake and do something that you could never imagine or dream of?" What's in your hand? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

The Mini Ark E-100 Day 16 (Exodus 1-2)

We just finished up with the drama of Joseph that we couldn't pull away from watching. Now everyone is in Egypt, and they are making babies like crazy! They've been there, in fact, for many years because in Exodus 1, it says that Joseph and all of his brothers have died, so we know that we're talking probably at least 60 years or more. The Pharaoh also died and the new guy knew nothing about Joseph and his family. All he knew was there were alot of Israelites living in Egypt and he needed them to quit multiplying or they might overthrow him. So his great plan is to issue a decree to throw all of the baby males into the river! How cruel is that? Dude, just tell the Israelites to leave, you know? Anyway, here's the cool part. Moses is born. His parents need for their baby to stay alive so they take their chances. They build a mini ark (a basket that they waterproofed with tar and parents!) and placed him in the Nile River. He floats down river and of all the people in Egypt to find him, the Princess finds him! She hears him crying (as any 3 month old baby would being left alone in a basket floating down a river!) and her heart breaks and falls in love with this baby and decides to keep him! It makes me think that God always knows how to work things out in the coolest way. When He was destroying the earth, God saved Noah and his family with a boat that was waterproofed with tar and pitch. When God was going to save the Israelites, He also saved the "deliverer" with a basket waterproofed with tar and pitch. I love how things get repeated in different ways in the Bible. God is awesome! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Hand of Providence E-100 Day 15 (Genesis 45:1-46:7)

Joseph got a chance to see something that few of us take notice of...God's Providence. He had the opportunity to look back on each circumstance in his life and see that if those things didn't happen, he wouldn't be where is now. Had his brothers not hated him, they wouldn't have sold him into slavery. Had they not sold him into slavery, he wouldn't have been in the house of Potiphar. Had he not been in the situation with Potiphar's wife, he wouldn't have been put in jail. Had he not been put in jail, he wouldn't have been there to interpret the dreams for the butler and the cook. Had he not been there to interpret their dreams, the butler wouldn't have known to tell Pharaoh about him and his ability to interpret dreams, which led him to being the second in command of all of Egypt! Whew! I know that was a mouthful, but I want you to look back now. There are circumstances from your past that you didn't quite understand at the time, but as you look at them now, you can see that they led to you being where you are today! I won't go into mine here. It would take too long! But I do love to look back at all of the times of my past where now I can see God's hand at work, leading me to the place where I am now! Once you do that, you'll be in awe once again of our God who loves us and has a purpose and plan for us! Thank Him for His divine providence in your life today! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

You Can't Make This Stuff Up! E-100 Day 14 (Genesis 43-44)

Ok, so you know how when you are in a good book or into a movie, you can't put it down or bear to leave to go to the bathroom, because you want to see every second? That's how I am with the story of Joseph! How could I stop anywhere in the middle? So I'm letting you know that I'm doing all of Joseph's story in one day (I may not blog it all in one day). But I just had to read ahead! You can't make this stuff up! This is blockbuster drama stuff man! Here are some observations from this day's reading:

1. Did anyone else notice that they left Simeon in prison the whole time they were away? That lets us know how much Jacob treasured Benjamin...enough to give up another son to prison just to keep him home! How much time do you think went by before they ran out of grain and food from their trip! It was only then that they went back!

2. I think this whole scheme of Joseph's lets us know why he is in charge of Egypt...the dude is smart. He knew that Jacob treasured Benjamin, so he had to devise a plan to Benjamin there. Then once he got Benjamin there, he would devise a plan to keep him there. This would force his dad to come. This is what he longed for.

3. You gotta think that he was enjoying seeing his brothers sweat a little bit too. I mean, come on, who wouldn't?

4. Notice that if Joseph was feeling any form of resentment, he didn't let it come out. He removed himself from the situation and started to devise a strategic plan to reconcile himself to his family again.

I don't know about you, but Joseph is one of my heroes and the more I read about him, the more I wish I were like him. Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

The Skeleton is Coming Out! E-100 Day 13 (Genesis 42)

I'm sure by this time in Joseph's life, his brothers and the rest of his family were a distant memory. He had been in Egypt for years. No one knew of his past with his family of being hated and sold into slavery. He now was in charge of all of Egypt! He was the day-to-day operations guy, that the only one higher up was the CEO, the Pharaoh. He had a new life. He was respected beyond imagination. He had power. He had position. He was married and had kids. He had moved on. But then the 10 skeleton's from his closet came busting out of his closet and were standing right in front of him! Imagine the shock, the rush of emotions that were going through Joseph. Was he remembering the last time they were together, or was he thinking he was just glad to see his brothers (like Esau was)?

I can't even imagine all the different possibilities that went through Joseph's head. We know his immediate plan was to see his younger brother, Benjamin, and so he devised a plan to get him out there. I think God had worked so much in Joseph's life that from the beginning he never had ill intent toward his brothers, but he did want to think about how to reveal himself to them. This plan would give him time to think about it.

What about you? Have you allowed God to work in your life enough that if someone from your past that has hurt you came walking up, you could love them as Jesus did and forgive them as Jesus did? If the answer is no, then what is it in your life that you haven't given over to God to change in your life? Can you give it to him today? Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

This sounds familiar E-100 Day 12 (Genesis 39-41)

Picking up the story with Joseph, we find that Joseph has been sold into slavery to Potiphar's house. Potiphar was the captain of the palace guard which meant that he would be in charge of the guys that were bodyguards and guards of the palace and the prison guards, since it was near the palace. Now we see that God was with Joseph and blessed everything that he touched basically. Potiphar took notice of that and eventually, Joseph worked his way up to being Potiphar's right hand man. Potiphar basically said that he trusted Joseph and what he says goes in all of Potiphar's dealings. The only thing held back from Joseph was Potiphar's wife, everything else was fair game!

Now, this scenario sounds pretty familiar. Someone given all the freedom to do whatever, with one thing to stay away from...hmmm. Oh wait I know! Wow! Funny how this story parallels Adam and Eve. We even have Joseph being tempted with that one thing. And yet this story has a different outcome. Rather than Joseph taking Potiphar's wife just as Adam and Eve took the fruit, he runs. He gets out as soon as possible! Now the immediate outcome stinks for Joseph, but we see God blessing everything he does wherever he goes. But just look for a second how different the outcome was for Joseph as opposed to Adam and Eve.

We talk alot about temptation. We know about it. We fall to it day after day. Many times we think that it isn't possible to win against the temptation. Joseph showed us how. He didn't stay there and try to resist Potiphar's wife. He didn't try to argue with her. He didn't try to have a debate with her. He got out of there! He left the situation, because he knew that is the best strategy with temptation...look for the way out, and take it!

Have you been battling temptation? Maybe you've been arguing with it or debating it. It hasn't been working, has it? Maybe we need to take the lesson from Joseph and try his strategy - run. Try it the next time you are facing temptation. Don't stay there. You'll lose. Just get out. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

It Was Just A Dream! E-100 Day 11 (Genesis 37)

I've heard people talk about Joseph that he was a tattle tale or high on himself, or kind of a brat. I don't necessarily see that here. Did Joseph give reports to his dad on how the other guys were doing? Yes, but at his dad's request. He was doing what he was told. Did Joseph share with his brothers the dreams that he had about them worshipping him? Yes. But it was just that...a dream. Joseph never claimed it was going to happen that way. We all have dreams that are out there and we share them with people. So why were Joseph's brothers so upset with him over every little thing? Because he was the favorite. In this chapter, we see that Jacob favored Joseph over all the others. It says because he was born in Jacob's old age, but one has to think that it could have also been because he was born to the wife that Jacob truly loved. Was all of that Joseph's fault? No way. And yet, he still finds himself trying to do right and just live life while being hated and despised by his own brothers! We also get the sense that Joseph loved his brothers, it just wasn't reciprocated. If this is where the story ended, it would be a very dark, depressing story. This just sets up the rest, but for now, think about this...we often come across people that despite what we do or how nice we try to treat them, they hate and despise you. How might you go about dealing with those people on an every day basis? Joseph did. What would you do? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Sorry! E-100 Day 10 (Genesis 32-33)

As we read in these two chapters, Jacob was very nervous to face his brother. He had every right to be nervous. He swindled him out of his birthright (inheritance), then stole his father's blessing and ran away because Esau was going to kill him. Now, it's years later and Jacob hasn't forgotten what he did to his brother, and they were about to meet. I'm nervous just thinking about the scenario.

I get nervous because I found myself in a similar predicament. When I was in 7th grade our school had the Jr. High and Sr. High buildings together, so we saw the Sr. High all the time. There was a sophomore named Hector Orellana who also went to our church. Hector was the coolest guy. He was awesome at all three sports. He was dating Erica (one of my counselors from day camp for the last few years). And for some reason, Hector befriended me. ME! A 7th grade little turd! He made me a big shot! At church we had separate Sr. High and Jr. High classes but would all be together in "Big Church", and he would save a spot for me! Right next to him! I didn't get it, but I loved it! He showed me how to play soccer, to slidetackle, that you tithe even in high school. He showed me alot.

One day, another 7th grader and I were assigned to empty out all of the big garbage cans and bring them to the dumpster. As we were putting the bags in the dumpster, we looked over and the gate to the dumpsters swung wide open because of the wind, and hit the pick up truck that was parked right there! I ran over to see who's it was and I didn't recognize the truck. What I did recognize was when I pulled the gate away from the truck it had left a scratch and dent from the top to the bottom on the passenger side of the truck! This truck looked pretty brand new as well. It was black and shiny (except for this scratch now). For a minute the other guy with me and I were thinking about running off and pretending that we knew nothing, but in the end we talked each other into going to the office to let them know what happened. When we let them know, they were really assurring to us and making us feel that we had done the right thing until we found out who's truck it was...that's was Hector's. Actually it was Hector's dad's truck and this was the first day that Hector was allowed to drive it to school. I was feeling sick. I heard that when Hector saw the dent and scratch, he was screaming and shouting. I avoided him the rest of the week. I was so scared. All of that cool stuff that I was able to do with Hector was gone now. I was in his inner circle of friends to his hated list. At church, I went and sat in an entirely different section hoping to avoid him again. I glanced over and to my terror saw Hector walking over to me! Oh my gosh, he doesn't even care that we're in church! He's gonna kill me right here! He sat down next to me and asked, "You're the one that hit my car?" I couldn't even look at him. Almost about to cry with my head down, I said in a quiet tone, "Yes. I'm so sorry. I'll get a job and pay for it. It was my fault." Hector interrupted me. "No, you don't have to do that. My insurance has covered it. I knew I shouldn't have parked that close to the dumpster. It's ok. Let me ask you though, why are you sitting over here?" I couldn't believe how this was going. "I thought you wouldn't want me around for awhile." Hector told me something that I'll never forget, "You could have totalled the car, and that wouldn't change our friendship. Ok? Besides, who else will sit with me when me and Erica are having a fight? Come on." We got up and walked back to where we normally sat with an understanding of what forgiveness feels like.

How relieved do you think Jacob was when Esau gladly received his brother? Have you ever experienced forgiveness in a manner that totally shocked you? Have you ever given it in that manner? Is it time for you to show someone in your life today what forgiveness feels like? Search them out and experience it all over again. It's awesome! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

That Hurts E-100 Day 9 (Genesis 27-28)

As I read through the passage of Scripture for today, I couldn't help but think to myself the kind of brother relationship Jacob and Esau had. They were twins that apparantly didn't look much alike. They apparantly didn't act much alike either as we get a sense that Jacob hung out around the house mostly and when he had an issue, brought it to mommy. Esau on the other hand seemed to be Mr. Outdoorsman. He could hunt, fish, cook the food that he caught, and when he had an issue seemed to bring it to daddy. It's easy to see that the dad (Isaac) definitely favored Esau over Jacob (probably because Esau was the oldest), and the mom favored Jacob over Esau. So how did they get along? You get a sense that they didn't really. Before this reading if you go back a few chapters, you see that Jacob swindled his dying brother out of his birthright (inheritance) for a bowl of soup! What a loving brother Jacob must have been! Then in this passage you see him going along with his mom's plan of getting Esau's blessing too!

I don't know if Esau picked on Jacob growing up, and he had some stored up anger for him. All we know is that Esau at the end of this is left with nothing, and Jacob has it all, and God is now going to bless Jacob! How can this be right? I think it goes back to the promise God made to Abram. God told Abram that he would be the father of many nations and the world would be blessed through him. God didn't give him the details. I think God was going to work that out in Abram's life and families lives no matter the circumstances. Maybe God knew that Esau would eventually not follow after God's ways and that Jacob would? I don't know. What I do know is that Jacob had hurt his brother and needed to get it right to move on. Have a great day guys! Be good!

Ron Foster

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hidden Treasures E100 Day 8 (Gen.21:1-22:19)

I once heard a pastor telling a story about how when he turned 16 he really wanted a car. He had been talking with his dad and his dad said that he would look into it. In the meantime, it was summer time, the 16 year old got a job and the dad asked his son to read a book that he had given him. Throughout the summer, the dad kept asking his son if he had read the book yet, and of course the son hadn't even started it. His dad kept asking and the son would say that he was halfway or 3/4 of the way through it, and he still hadn't touched the book. Finally, toward the end of the summer the son got a little motivated to read it just so his dad would stop asking. He got through chapter one and at the beginning of chapter two, there was a cut out in some of the pages. It was a cutout of some keys. Sure enough, there was a set of keys hidden in the book. He brought the keys to his dad and his dad drove to a parking lot that the 16 year old had been passing every day and noticing a car that he liked. His dad drove right up to the car and handed the keys to his embarrassed 16 year old son. The car had been waiting for him all summer long and he could have been enjoying it, had he done what his dad asked him in reading the book!

Lucky for Abraham, he started to obey God without the hesitation of this pastor. God asked Abraham to give up his son, the very son that he had been waiting over 25 years to arrive. Abraham obeyed and then God revealed the ram that He was providing! Sometimes, God asks us to do something way out there. We can't understand it, and it may even require us giving up something dear to us, where all He wants to see if we're willing to obey and then He pulls out the surprise.

Is there something that you've been holding tight to, that God is now asking you to give up? It doesn't make sense, but remember, He is looking for your obedience over anything else. So the question is: Will you obey or won't you? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just Not Sure E-100 Day 7 (Genesis 15)

The goal seemed attainable enough on our way to the the game. At least that's what our high school basketball team thought on the way. It was my senior year. We had one of the best basketball teams in the state. Our point guard (Ben) and center (Mario) were considered the best at their positions. Our 2 guard (Jon Mark) was this incredible lock down defender. You could put him on the other team's best scorer and reduce him to 5 points. Our small forward (Mike) was not only a sprinter, but also a high jumper, and could dunk on you in a second. Then our power forward (Doug) had this incredible sense of where the ball was going to miss off the rim and he would be there. To top that off, our next 5 guys off the bench (me, Domingo, Caleb, Matt, and Jason) could have easily started if we were on another team. We were good. Real good. And the team we were about to play wasn't even close and we knew it. As we sat in the locker room, getting ready and waiting for our coach to run through the game plan we were confident. Until he revealed the gameplan. "Guys" he said, "The goal tonight is defense. They better not score more than 20 points tonight for the whole game, or when we have practice tomorrow we won't even touch a basketball." That, by the way, meant we would run until we threw up, and then run some more.

All of the sudden, we weren't so confident. We knew we would win the game, but we weren't so sure about holding a team to 20 points for an entire game! It takes alot out of you to try and keep a team from scoring every time down the court! What was our coach thinking? Why would he give us such a goal and consequence? Unfair? You bet! Impossible? Absolutely!

The game started and it wasn't good. In the first five minutes we just kept exchanging baskets. We score, they score. We score, they score. All the way to where it got to be a tie game 8-8. My coach stood up furiously, yelling for a time out! He looked at me and the other 4 guys next to me and screamed while pointing at each of us, "You, You, You, You, and You get in there!" We all jumped up, kind of surprised as we normally didn't go into the game at least until the 2nd quarter. As the starting 5 came walking off the court a little stunned at being taken out and we were stepping onto the court, my coach yelled at us one instruction, "Don't let them score the rest of the half!"

I can't quite explain what or how it all happened, but for the rest of the half, our coach left us in the game, and we started to believe that we could keep this team from scoring. A steal here, a blocked shot there, a missed shot there. For the next quarter and a half we played harder and faster then ever before and as halftime rolled around, the scoreboard said 45-8! We hadn't let them score the entire time! At halftime, coach used us to threaten the starting 5, letting them know that he has no hesitation about taking them out of the game. The 5 started the half fired up, and through substitutions and playing as a team, the final score was 108-16! We did it! We couldn't believe it! Something that was impossible to us, actually happened! Was there some complaining along the way? Sure. Were there times we didn't believe it could happen? Absolutely. Did we eventually come around to believe it could happen? Yes.

Do you think Abram and Sarah went through some of the same emotions when God was reassurring them that they would have a son at their age (well past retirement)? We know that Sarah laughed at the proposition and eventually they took matters into their own hands by having Abram get another wife basically and have a child with her. Eventually, God reassurred them again and they believed and God made Sarah pregnant. How do you think they felt about their unbelief after Isaac was born? Do you think they would change their attitude, thoughts, and faith toward what God had said to them? I bet they would.

Is there something impossible that God is leading you to do? Something that you can't see the steps for getting from A to F? That's just how God wants and needs it! That means you are going to have to trust Him to get it done! Are you game? Are you ready to give God a chance today? I'm pretty sure He knows what He's doing even if you don't. Let's do the impossible today! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I dare you! E-100 Day 6 (Genesis 12)

I had been living in Long Island for no more than 6 months when we decided to take our first winter retreat with the teens. I decided to hook up with a church in the Philadelphia area where their youth pastor was a rookie too. In fact we had just graduated from college together. He got hired there at the same time I got hired in Long Island. We found this Christian Retreat Center on the shores of New Jersey to go to. Seemed more like a summer place, but that was why we were getting it for so cheap, so why not? Obviously, this was a rookie mistake on both of our parts because what are we supposed to do when it's freezing outside, there's no snow because we had the bright idea of holding a WINTER RETREAT on a beach! It was miserable! Right up until I saw Kyle Aiello. Kyle had just met another guy from the other church. They were talking but looked like they wanted something to do. So, at some point someone, and I'm not going to say who, suggested to Kyle to go jump into the Atlantic Ocean! With no thought or hesitation, Kyle took off running toward the water! This other kid started following him! I couldn't believe it. Kyle ran onto the deck, and took a huge jump and landed himself smack dab in some freezing Atlantic Ocean water!

I was impressed with Kyle's attitude of just being ready to jump into whatever, whenever. It reminds me of today's reading of God calling Abram. We don't have any qualifications as to why God chose Abram. No record of him following or worshipping God. Enoch walked with God. Noah was considered a righteous man before God. But nothing from Abram. All we have is Abram's reaction to God's call. Think about this. God comes to Abram (no record of this happening before) and tells him that he wants him to move to some other place. Now if you're a normal human being, you question that. You want some kind of a plan; some kind of a destination. Where am I moving to, one might ask. But I think we get a glimpse of why God chose Abram based on his reaction. Abram, without any thought or hesitation said ok and took off toward the direction God showed him. Abram didn't know what was in store for him. All he knew was that God had spoken. God wanted him to move. He moved.

Could it be that we find ourselves not moving in a direction because God already knows our reaction of doubt, questioning, and hesitation? Do you trust God? Do you follow Him? They why don't we trust Him to guide is in the direction when He is the one leading it? Let's be a little more like Kyle today. Let's be a little more like Abram. Let's jump into it! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Hola, como estas? E-100 Day 5 (Genesis 11:1-9)

Do you remember the first time you ever heard someone speak in another language? How about the first time someone was speaking to you, and you had no idea what they were saying, and they had no idea what you were saying? I remember being in Jr. High in California, trying to order a burrito from a "burrito truck" and the women didn't speak a word of English. While this was comforting to me that my burrito was going to taste good, there was a lot of pointing and gesturing going on, just so I could tell them what I wanted. That's just ordering a burrito. Think about the confusion at Babel. They were trying to build a tower! Construction! Architecture! Working together! In Sunday School growing up, my teachers used to say that God was upset with them because they were trying to get to heaven with their tower (hey, it made sense at the time), but after reading the passage again, we see that they were building the tower as a tribute to themselves and how great they were! It turns out that they needed a piece of humble pie, so God gave them different languages! Can you just imagine the scene? You're talking to your buddy and mid-sentence you start flowing into Spanish dialect! Then your buddy starts talking and out comes German (I'm not saying those were the languages, just getting my point across)! We might be thinking right now, "who would build a tower in honor of themselves?" Don't we do the same thing today? As a tribute to our wealth or how smart we think we are or how the kind of job we have, we pay tribute to ourselves with our stuff! And we say, "I'm awesome!" When, not if, we get to that place, remember the lesson of Babel, and that when they got to the place of honoring themselves, there was God ready to remind them of who is the CREATOR and who is the creation. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Monday, January 21, 2008

LET ME OUT! E-100 Day 4 (Genesis 8:1-9:17)

So Noah gets on a boat that he built with his sons. He followed God's directions. He put a whole lot of animals on this boat with him. It rained and flooded just like God had said. He was safe. But now, he was stuck on this boat! For 10 months! Most people read that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. But it took nearly 10 months for the water to go down, and them to be able to leave the boat! 10 MONTHS! Are you kidding me? I don't know about you, but what might be going through my head would be, "Thanks, God, for saving me, but can you get me off this boat?"

Think through that scenario for a have to live on this huge boat with who knows how many animals (alot), taking care of them, trying not to go crazy (cabin fever). What did they eat? What did they drink? Where did they go to the bathroom? How did they sleep? Where did the animals sleep? What did they do for fun? Did they jog to release some energy? How did they do it?

I'll tell you how they did it. When it got hard to live, they remembered the whole reason they were even on the boat, because they served God when no one else was. So they weren't about to stop now. There are times when I get tired of trying. There are times when I get tired of doing right. There are times when I just wish I could not care what I do. There are times when I wish I had no consequences for stupid actions. And in those times, I remember why I am here and why I have the life that I do, with the mind that I do, and the heart and emotions I's because of one man...Jesus Christ. Then I remember how to endure just like Noah and his family on that boat. To keep my eye on the big picture. What is most important?

Having thoughts of giving up? Having thoughts of quitting? Is it getting hard to keep going? Just remember what is most important. Have a great day guys.

Ron Foster