Joseph got a chance to see something that few of us take notice of...God's Providence. He had the opportunity to look back on each circumstance in his life and see that if those things didn't happen, he wouldn't be where is now. Had his brothers not hated him, they wouldn't have sold him into slavery. Had they not sold him into slavery, he wouldn't have been in the house of Potiphar. Had he not been in the situation with Potiphar's wife, he wouldn't have been put in jail. Had he not been put in jail, he wouldn't have been there to interpret the dreams for the butler and the cook. Had he not been there to interpret their dreams, the butler wouldn't have known to tell Pharaoh about him and his ability to interpret dreams, which led him to being the second in command of all of Egypt! Whew! I know that was a mouthful, but I want you to look back now. There are circumstances from your past that you didn't quite understand at the time, but as you look at them now, you can see that they led to you being where you are today! I won't go into mine here. It would take too long! But I do love to look back at all of the times of my past where now I can see God's hand at work, leading me to the place where I am now! Once you do that, you'll be in awe once again of our God who loves us and has a purpose and plan for us! Thank Him for His divine providence in your life today! Have a good one guys!
Ron Foster
Ron Foster
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