I once heard a pastor telling a story about how when he turned 16 he really wanted a car. He had been talking with his dad and his dad said that he would look into it. In the meantime, it was summer time, the 16 year old got a job and the dad asked his son to read a book that he had given him. Throughout the summer, the dad kept asking his son if he had read the book yet, and of course the son hadn't even started it. His dad kept asking and the son would say that he was halfway or 3/4 of the way through it, and he still hadn't touched the book. Finally, toward the end of the summer the son got a little motivated to read it just so his dad would stop asking. He got through chapter one and at the beginning of chapter two, there was a cut out in some of the pages. It was a cutout of some keys. Sure enough, there was a set of keys hidden in the book. He brought the keys to his dad and his dad drove to a parking lot that the 16 year old had been passing every day and noticing a car that he liked. His dad drove right up to the car and handed the keys to his embarrassed 16 year old son. The car had been waiting for him all summer long and he could have been enjoying it, had he done what his dad asked him in reading the book!
Lucky for Abraham, he started to obey God without the hesitation of this pastor. God asked Abraham to give up his son, the very son that he had been waiting over 25 years to arrive. Abraham obeyed and then God revealed the ram that He was providing! Sometimes, God asks us to do something way out there. We can't understand it, and it may even require us giving up something dear to us, where all He wants to see if we're willing to obey and then He pulls out the surprise.
Is there something that you've been holding tight to, that God is now asking you to give up? It doesn't make sense, but remember, He is looking for your obedience over anything else. So the question is: Will you obey or won't you? Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
Lucky for Abraham, he started to obey God without the hesitation of this pastor. God asked Abraham to give up his son, the very son that he had been waiting over 25 years to arrive. Abraham obeyed and then God revealed the ram that He was providing! Sometimes, God asks us to do something way out there. We can't understand it, and it may even require us giving up something dear to us, where all He wants to see if we're willing to obey and then He pulls out the surprise.
Is there something that you've been holding tight to, that God is now asking you to give up? It doesn't make sense, but remember, He is looking for your obedience over anything else. So the question is: Will you obey or won't you? Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
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