Once, when I was in college I did something stupid. Ok, I did alot of stupid things, but I'll only mention the one here. At my school, all of the classes were done by lunch time, which was great. It allowed students to get full time jobs if they needed to (like I needed to). What this also did, is it made for a dead campus in the hours following lunch because everyone would split. One day, I didn't have to go in to work for a while and didn't leave campus. I was hanging out with three of my friends from my floor; Brandon, Gary, and Albert. We were all in the entry area of our school's main offices enjoying the new leather sofas, when this idea hit me.
"Hey guys, wouldn't these (sofas) get much better use in our dorm? No one comes here to hang out, but everyone hangs out in the dorm. We need a sofa like this! We need THIS sofa!"
The other guys smiled and agreed, but didn't move. Then I got up, went to one end of the shorter sofa (also known as a love seat) and said, "Who's gonna help me bring it over?"
Gary pretended to and then sat back down when he saw that I was really ready to carry this thing to our dorm. Then Brandon jumped up, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm in. Let's do it."
We picked up the sofa and headed across the middle of campus with this burgandy love seat in our hands. Bear in mind that I was also wearing my bright red suit at the time as well (don't ask). The length we had to get without being seen was roughly the length of 2 to 2 1/2 football fields. We were laughing the whole time, mainly because we couldn't believe no one saw us! We made it half way and we saw our first person...the school nurse. I nice lady named Gaynell. She came outside of her office and just stared at us. All we could do is laugh even harder and keep going. We were thinking that if we looked like we were supposed to be carrying this thing, no one would bother us.
We made it to our dorm, brought it up the four floors, set it in an empty room, when we heard several footsteps running up the stairs. Basically, we had several visits in the next minute between maintenence guys, security guys, the head of Maintenence, and the head R.A. all telling us that the nurse revealed our little escapade and we had to get back the Vice President's pride and joy sofa back to where it goes before he saw it or we would really be in big trouble.
This was an escapade of me, when no one was around, showing who I really was. I messed up. We all do. There have also been times when I have felt like the only one trying to follow Christ, and stood strong when no one else was. How about you? Do you ever feel like a lonely follower of Christ? Sometimes it's easy being "good" when you know people are watching, but what about when no one is watching? In those moments, we are told that our true character is revealed. The real you comes out. Is that a scary thing to think about or encouraging? Noah did what was right in God's sight! That's pretty awesome! Is there something that has been revealed about you when you are alone that you can make right with God today? Don't just sit there. Get praying.
Have an awesome day!
Ron Foster
"Hey guys, wouldn't these (sofas) get much better use in our dorm? No one comes here to hang out, but everyone hangs out in the dorm. We need a sofa like this! We need THIS sofa!"
The other guys smiled and agreed, but didn't move. Then I got up, went to one end of the shorter sofa (also known as a love seat) and said, "Who's gonna help me bring it over?"
Gary pretended to and then sat back down when he saw that I was really ready to carry this thing to our dorm. Then Brandon jumped up, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm in. Let's do it."
We picked up the sofa and headed across the middle of campus with this burgandy love seat in our hands. Bear in mind that I was also wearing my bright red suit at the time as well (don't ask). The length we had to get without being seen was roughly the length of 2 to 2 1/2 football fields. We were laughing the whole time, mainly because we couldn't believe no one saw us! We made it half way and we saw our first person...the school nurse. I nice lady named Gaynell. She came outside of her office and just stared at us. All we could do is laugh even harder and keep going. We were thinking that if we looked like we were supposed to be carrying this thing, no one would bother us.
We made it to our dorm, brought it up the four floors, set it in an empty room, when we heard several footsteps running up the stairs. Basically, we had several visits in the next minute between maintenence guys, security guys, the head of Maintenence, and the head R.A. all telling us that the nurse revealed our little escapade and we had to get back the Vice President's pride and joy sofa back to where it goes before he saw it or we would really be in big trouble.
This was an escapade of me, when no one was around, showing who I really was. I messed up. We all do. There have also been times when I have felt like the only one trying to follow Christ, and stood strong when no one else was. How about you? Do you ever feel like a lonely follower of Christ? Sometimes it's easy being "good" when you know people are watching, but what about when no one is watching? In those moments, we are told that our true character is revealed. The real you comes out. Is that a scary thing to think about or encouraging? Noah did what was right in God's sight! That's pretty awesome! Is there something that has been revealed about you when you are alone that you can make right with God today? Don't just sit there. Get praying.
Have an awesome day!
Ron Foster
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