As I read through the passage of Scripture for today, I couldn't help but think to myself the kind of brother relationship Jacob and Esau had. They were twins that apparantly didn't look much alike. They apparantly didn't act much alike either as we get a sense that Jacob hung out around the house mostly and when he had an issue, brought it to mommy. Esau on the other hand seemed to be Mr. Outdoorsman. He could hunt, fish, cook the food that he caught, and when he had an issue seemed to bring it to daddy. It's easy to see that the dad (Isaac) definitely favored Esau over Jacob (probably because Esau was the oldest), and the mom favored Jacob over Esau. So how did they get along? You get a sense that they didn't really. Before this reading if you go back a few chapters, you see that Jacob swindled his dying brother out of his birthright (inheritance) for a bowl of soup! What a loving brother Jacob must have been! Then in this passage you see him going along with his mom's plan of getting Esau's blessing too!
I don't know if Esau picked on Jacob growing up, and he had some stored up anger for him. All we know is that Esau at the end of this is left with nothing, and Jacob has it all, and God is now going to bless Jacob! How can this be right? I think it goes back to the promise God made to Abram. God told Abram that he would be the father of many nations and the world would be blessed through him. God didn't give him the details. I think God was going to work that out in Abram's life and families lives no matter the circumstances. Maybe God knew that Esau would eventually not follow after God's ways and that Jacob would? I don't know. What I do know is that Jacob had hurt his brother and needed to get it right to move on. Have a great day guys! Be good!
Ron Foster
I don't know if Esau picked on Jacob growing up, and he had some stored up anger for him. All we know is that Esau at the end of this is left with nothing, and Jacob has it all, and God is now going to bless Jacob! How can this be right? I think it goes back to the promise God made to Abram. God told Abram that he would be the father of many nations and the world would be blessed through him. God didn't give him the details. I think God was going to work that out in Abram's life and families lives no matter the circumstances. Maybe God knew that Esau would eventually not follow after God's ways and that Jacob would? I don't know. What I do know is that Jacob had hurt his brother and needed to get it right to move on. Have a great day guys! Be good!
Ron Foster
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