Do you remember the first time you ever heard someone speak in another language? How about the first time someone was speaking to you, and you had no idea what they were saying, and they had no idea what you were saying? I remember being in Jr. High in California, trying to order a burrito from a "burrito truck" and the women didn't speak a word of English. While this was comforting to me that my burrito was going to taste good, there was a lot of pointing and gesturing going on, just so I could tell them what I wanted. That's just ordering a burrito. Think about the confusion at Babel. They were trying to build a tower! Construction! Architecture! Working together! In Sunday School growing up, my teachers used to say that God was upset with them because they were trying to get to heaven with their tower (hey, it made sense at the time), but after reading the passage again, we see that they were building the tower as a tribute to themselves and how great they were! It turns out that they needed a piece of humble pie, so God gave them different languages! Can you just imagine the scene? You're talking to your buddy and mid-sentence you start flowing into Spanish dialect! Then your buddy starts talking and out comes German (I'm not saying those were the languages, just getting my point across)! We might be thinking right now, "who would build a tower in honor of themselves?" Don't we do the same thing today? As a tribute to our wealth or how smart we think we are or how the kind of job we have, we pay tribute to ourselves with our stuff! And we say, "I'm awesome!" When, not if, we get to that place, remember the lesson of Babel, and that when they got to the place of honoring themselves, there was God ready to remind them of who is the CREATOR and who is the creation. Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
Ron Foster
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