We just finished up with the drama of Joseph that we couldn't pull away from watching. Now everyone is in Egypt, and they are making babies like crazy! They've been there, in fact, for many years because in Exodus 1, it says that Joseph and all of his brothers have died, so we know that we're talking probably at least 60 years or more. The Pharaoh also died and the new guy knew nothing about Joseph and his family. All he knew was there were alot of Israelites living in Egypt and he needed them to quit multiplying or they might overthrow him. So his great plan is to issue a decree to throw all of the baby males into the river! How cruel is that? Dude, just tell the Israelites to leave, you know? Anyway, here's the cool part. Moses is born. His parents need for their baby to stay alive so they take their chances. They build a mini ark (a basket that they waterproofed with tar and pitch...smart parents!) and placed him in the Nile River. He floats down river and of all the people in Egypt to find him, the Princess finds him! She hears him crying (as any 3 month old baby would being left alone in a basket floating down a river!) and her heart breaks and falls in love with this baby and decides to keep him! It makes me think that God always knows how to work things out in the coolest way. When He was destroying the earth, God saved Noah and his family with a boat that was waterproofed with tar and pitch. When God was going to save the Israelites, He also saved the "deliverer" with a basket waterproofed with tar and pitch. I love how things get repeated in different ways in the Bible. God is awesome! Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
Ron Foster
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