As promised, I'll try and comment each day after my reading, and hopefully you will do your reading as well. Today is the first day for me, as I was out of town last week and didn't have a book. The reading was for Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Some of the thoughts that came to my mind were that, when God was creating everything in this world, from plants to the waters, to the ground, to all of the animals, to the atmosphere we would need to breathe, to man himself, He was not only making something adaquete, He was using His creativity in doing so! Have you ever thought of God as "creative"? Not as the Creator, but as creative? He used his imagination and came with some crazy cool stuff! I want to encourage you to look around today at some of God's "creation" and see how "creative" God is, and then realize this creative God passed this creativity to you, as you were made "in His image". You may not think of yourself as creative, but I bet you are when you try at something. It doesn't have to be painting or with crafts which is what we tend to think of with creativity. It can be with anything. Find what you're creative with today and thank God for giving you His creativity! Have a good one, guys!
Ron Foster
Good Stuff Ron, I enjoyed that. Thanks for the thoughts.
What's up man, welcome to the blog world.
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