In this passage we see Moses living as a shepherd. And in his ordinary life, God shows up. God reveals to Moses that He is going to use him to lead His people out of Egypt, back to the promised land. Immediately, Moses' response (and probably our response too) is to start question his skills, or lack thereof, that are needed to accomplish such a task and uses his lack of skills as a reason to not be used. But I love God's response. He doesn't scold Moses, or injure him, or move one from him. God asks Moses a simple question: What is in your hand? Why is this so important? It's important because what was in Moses' hand was his shepherd's staff, but given to be used by God, it was going to be the instrument or symbol used by God to bring about all of the plagues, and even to cross the Red Sea!
God gives us tasks to accomplish and a mission to succeed in, and what He asks us even now is, "What is in your hand?". God wants to use those things that are already in your life, that you already know how to do and don't even consider to be important or significant and make them mighty in use for Him! So what's in your hand? It could be typing. Maybe you're incredible with children, or senior citizens, or teenagers. Maybe you are a great host and love to cook for people. Whatever it is, God is asking you, "Will you let Me use what you have their for My sake and do something that you could never imagine or dream of?" What's in your hand? Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
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