Did you ever see the Indiana Jones movies? If you did, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain. In the third one (Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade), Indiana (Harrison Ford) is joined by his father (Sean Connery) whose life study is the Holy Grail (supposedly the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper and also caught His blood when He was dying, and would bring eternal life to any that drink of it). Connery's character over the years has discovered that the Grail is being guarded and that to get to where it is at, one would have to pass through some booby traps. The first one is a clever saying that gets one to kneel down in humility just as a blade comes swooping by that would cut off one's head if they were standing up. Then we get to the second trap of the movie. There are a series of letters on the ground, and Indy has to spell out the name of God, by stepping on the correct letter. If he misses or chooses the wrong letter, he can fall to his death. He makes it though. Then we come to the third and final trap. The clue states, "only a leap from the lion's head will can one prove his worth." So, at that moment, Indy is looking out over a huge canyon while standing on a lion's head. It's an impossible jump for anyone, so he determines that it has to be a leap of faith, so he sticks one foot out into the air and leaps off to find himself standing on a little bridge that couldn't be seen until he was on it.

Joshua, the Israelites and especially the priests were faced with a similar situation. God told them that they were to cross over the Jordan River. No big deal right? They had already seen God part the way for them to cross the Red Sea, so this shouldn't be too hard. But there was something different this time. God wanted the priests that would be carrying the Ark of the Covenant to go out into the water first. Before, God parted the waters and then the people walked across. Here God wanted them to get wet! Go out there, and then I'll part the water! So these Israelite priests took the leap of faith and stepped into the Jordan River which was flowing nice and strong. God rewarded their faith and stopped up the water immediately and allowed for the everyone to cross over! Many times we have the promises from God but we still chicken out in what God has for us, without realizing that the coolest things God has for us are on the other side of the river! That's where God wants you and I today, so what are you waiting for...jump! Leap! Go! Do! Be! Have a good one guys!
Ron Foster
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