Most of us have seen the show Home Improvement starring Tim Allen as Tim (the Toolman) Taylor. He had a phrase that was repeated throughout the show where he would have a power tool or something like that and he wouldn't be pleased with it, so he would ask, "You know what this needs? MORE POWER!!!"
Well in this passage we find the Israelites heading toward the Red Sea. We also find Pharaoh angrier then ever. He gets his
whole army, leaving no one behind to go out to destroy the Israelites. The Israelites are now trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army! Enter God's response...MORE POWER! God tells Moses that there is a path available if he'll only put out the shepherd's staff toward the water and it will be shown to him. Moses obeys and God parts the waters in two and the Israelites walk across not through mud, but on dry ground! In the meantime, God also put Himself as a barrier between the Egyptian army and the Israelites, giving them time to cross the Sea. As soon as they are across, God removes the barrier and the Egyptian army takes off after the Israelites the same way they just went through the Sea. Unfortunately for them, God decides to say MORE POWER again and closes the walls of the Sea on the army and not one of them is spared.

Ever find yourself in a situation that you can't think or find a way out of? Guess what? We serve a God that cares about what we care about and also loves to work in our situations that cause us to acknowledge that He has MORE POWER than we can even imagine! The catch is that we have to give God the chance to work. So many times we stand in the way of letting God do something awesome and we miss out on seeing something incredible in our lives the way God would want to. So let's call on the one with the MOST POWER and let Him do something great in our lives today! Have a good one guys!
Ron Foster
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