Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Now Everybody Scream! E-100 Day 25 (Joshua 5:13 - 6:27)

Let's see. We're getting ready for a battle. It's a battle that will require us to either break down a wall or scale the wall without getting too many of our soldiers killed. We could get some battering rams. We could get some catapults and fire some huge metal spheres at the wall. We could get bows and arrows and while one group is shooting at the people at the top of the wall, others get huge ladders to scale the wall. While all of these might be workable, viable solutions to the battle plan for the children of Israel, God had another strategy in mind...scream. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Um, God, You're pretty good with like creating things, but I don't think this is going to work. God's plan was that they walk around the walls/city of Jericho once a day for six days without talking. Can you imagine being in the walls of Jericho watching this? Here comes this huge army towards your city. You're scared enough as it is. Then they start walking around the city to surround you, not saying a word. They're just looking at you. They walk around one time, then go back to their camp. Creepy! The next day they do it again, and the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next. Then on the seventh day, God's instructions were to walk around seven times, then the priests would blow their ram's horn for a very long note, and everyone was instructed to scream as loud as they could. Imagine again the anxiety being built up with the people of Jericho. There is something different about this day because they are walking around much more. Something is going to happen! They walk around seven times and then everyone stops! The Israelites stop! The people in the wall stop and are frozen...watching! Dead silence! Then all of the sudden, you hear a ram's horn blowing for probably 20 seconds or more. The entire army that has the city surrounded begins to scream! You're getting ready to see them charge because this was normally what would happen before an army would charge...they would scream, but instead they're standing there, screaming. Then it happens. You realize that they don't have any weapons of mass destruction, and before you can think to run, the wall collapses! Not just the wall nearest to you, but the whole wall of the city. The Israelites come in and plunder the place, not to take with them, but to destroy it.

I don't know how Joshua convinced everyone to follow this crazy plan, or if the people were just overly trusting that day. God wanted to show the world that He gives the victory. Especially in this case. I think God definitely needed to something great so the Israelites couldn't take the credit. God's way is always different and doesn't make sense to our way, but it is always the best way. How cool is it that God's way had them all shouting? When was the last time you shouted for God? Why don't you give it a try today. Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Leap of Faith E-100 Day 24 (Joshua 3-4)

Did you ever see the Indiana Jones movies? If you did, you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain. In the third one (Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade), Indiana (Harrison Ford) is joined by his father (Sean Connery) whose life study is the Holy Grail (supposedly the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper and also caught His blood when He was dying, and would bring eternal life to any that drink of it). Connery's character over the years has discovered that the Grail is being guarded and that to get to where it is at, one would have to pass through some booby traps. The first one is a clever saying that gets one to kneel down in humility just as a blade comes swooping by that would cut off one's head if they were standing up. Then we get to the second trap of the movie. There are a series of letters on the ground, and Indy has to spell out the name of God, by stepping on the correct letter. If he misses or chooses the wrong letter, he can fall to his death. He makes it though. Then we come to the third and final trap. The clue states, "only a leap from the lion's head will can one prove his worth." So, at that moment, Indy is looking out over a huge canyon while standing on a lion's head. It's an impossible jump for anyone, so he determines that it has to be a leap of faith, so he sticks one foot out into the air and leaps off to find himself standing on a little bridge that couldn't be seen until he was on it.

Joshua, the Israelites and especially the priests were faced with a similar situation. God told them that they were to cross over the Jordan River. No big deal right? They had already seen God part the way for them to cross the Red Sea, so this shouldn't be too hard. But there was something different this time. God wanted the priests that would be carrying the Ark of the Covenant to go out into the water first. Before, God parted the waters and then the people walked across. Here God wanted them to get wet! Go out there, and then I'll part the water! So these Israelite priests took the leap of faith and stepped into the Jordan River which was flowing nice and strong. God rewarded their faith and stopped up the water immediately and allowed for the everyone to cross over! Many times we have the promises from God but we still chicken out in what God has for us, without realizing that the coolest things God has for us are on the other side of the river! That's where God wants you and I today, so what are you waiting for...jump! Leap! Go! Do! Be! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

You Can Do It! E-100 Day 23 (Joshua 1)

People tend to think that Joshua was scared. That maybe he was feeling like he couldn't do it. That he didn't want to be the guy following Moses. That he didn't feel prepared to do what he was being asked to do by God. Some, all, or none of this may be true. What do we know based on God's Word? We know that Joshua was with Moses as his right arm through everything with the Israelites. We know that Joshua went up Mt. Sinai when Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments. We know that Joshua was allowed to go into the tent with Moses when Moses would meet with God and that Joshua would stay even after Moses left. I think Joshua trusted that God would take care of everything, but it still helped to get those words of encouragement from God Himself..."Be strong and courageous". That phrase is mentioned three times in this chapter alone. Twice it is said by God and once by some men Joshua was talking to.

I was always confident before going into any game of any sport. I always had a little bit of anxiety, but I was confident. I'll never forget my sophomore year. We had one of the best soccer teams around, especially our defense. Our goalie, Albert, was the man. Not only was he tall enough to get those ones hit up in the corner, but he was athletic and could grab the low shots too. I played sweeper. This is the last guy before you get to the goalie. I was at sweeper because I was a slide tackling fool, and rarely missed. Our center fullback was Craig. Craig could have played sweeper, but he was a little better at offense than me, so he would go up alot on offense and I would stay back. Then we had two guys on the wings. I can't quite recall who they were (give me a break...it's been almost 15 years!). We had a big game coming up, and our assistant coach, Hector (refer to one of the older posts) pulled me aside before getting on the bus and said, "You're riding with me." He had never done this before, so I was both excited and thought it was a little odd. The whole ride up there, Hector was encouraging me and pumping me up for the game. He gave me a game goal of getting 20 slide tackles in the game. I was ready to do it! Then when we were getting close to the field, Hector put on "Eye of the Tiger"...you know the Rocky song? He pumped it up through his 15" speakers in the back of his car and 6"x9" speakers throughout! When we pulled into the parking lot next to the bus with the rest of the team, Hector and I were shouting! I was rocking back and forth in my seat! I jumped out and ran to the bus with my adrenaline rushing! The door opened, and I jumped up to the front of the bus and proceeded to pump up everyone on the bus! We were wild men! We came running off of the bus screaming! The other team took a look at us and realized that they were in for a fight! They didn't have a chance and we hadn't even started the game! We were strong and courageous! We were already confident, but now we had that extra push that Joshua got as well, to move with such a confidence that everyone knew which side was going to win before any battle even took place! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Finding Favor With God E-100 Day 22 (Exodus 32-34)

I sat reading. There was alot to cover in these three chapters. Moses and Joshua go up Mt. Sinai in a cloud of smoke for 40 days and 40 nights. The people think he's dead, so they turn to Aaron and request him to make "new gods to lead us". Aaron crafts a golden calf from the gold that the Israelites had received from the Egyptians on their way out of town. Moses and Joshua come down the mountain with Moses busting everyone and throwing down the tablets with the commandments on them. Moses then melts the golden calf and makes everyone drink it. Then, Moses draws a line in the sand of those that are for God and those against God, leading him to send those for God on a killing spree against those against God killing 3,000 people! After all of this, things start to calm down with the Israelites on the move again. I found two things that stuck out to me in the passages following this series of events.

The first is that Joshua (Moses' assistant and understudy) hung out in the tent where God's presence was all day. It says in Chapter 33 that even after Moses would be done speaking with God, Joshua would stay in the tent!

Second, is that Moses pleads for the people to God and then asks to see God's presence, and here is God's response to Moses in v.17 of chapter 33. "I will indeed do what you have asked, for you have found favor with me, and you are my friend." WOW! What an incredible two statements: "You have found favor with me" and "You are my friend"! This isn't your best friend talking, this is God Almighty! So what was so special about Moses that he could find favor with God? I believe it was a few things.

1) Moses feared God. He talked with God, which we're going to get to in a second, but with a tone of respect and reverance.

2) Moses listened to God. He not only did what God said, but he took what God was saying to heart. It wasn't just instructions to Moses. It was a conversation.

3) Moses spent time with God often. This was to talk, to listen, to complain, to be with God.

4) Moses obeyed God. Even if he didn't understand or even agree at times, he trusted God and obeyed, leaving the results and details up to God.

Just some thoughts to think about. Have a good one guys.

Ron Foster

Friday, February 8, 2008

Let's have a talk E-100 Day 21 (Exodus 19:1-20:21)

Did I really read that right? Could I have missed this for so many years? Have I been so interested in getting to the Ten Commandments that I totally skipped over what happened before that? WOW! God wasn't just going to reveal Himself to Moses here, but to all the people and allow them to hear His voice! What a privilege! What a worship service here, right? The passage here says that God covered the mountain with smoke and that was His presence. He also gave certain boundaries not to cross toward Him, or else they would die. It goes down like this. Moses told the people that they needed to purify themselves (get cleaned up). Then he lets them in on what is about to take place...that God Himself is going to come and hang a little bit. Not just with Moses, but with all of us! We can't cross a certain line toward the mountain or else death will follow, either by stoning or by arrows. So God's presence is among all the people and they all see and hear God! What an incredible day that was! To me, more than the plagues, more than being led out of Egypt, even more than crossing the Red Sea, because this was something that everyone could see and experience and be a part of. And while God made sure to let everyone know that He was God and was to be feared, just the simple act of Him coming down and revealing Himself to everyone shows that He does love us and cares about what happens to us. How can you show someone today that you care for and love them with no strings attached? Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More Power! E-100 Day 20 (Genesis 13:17-14:31)

Most of us have seen the show Home Improvement starring Tim Allen as Tim (the Toolman) Taylor. He had a phrase that was repeated throughout the show where he would have a power tool or something like that and he wouldn't be pleased with it, so he would ask, "You know what this needs? MORE POWER!!!"

Well in this passage we find the Israelites heading toward the Red Sea. We also find Pharaoh angrier then ever. He gets his whole army, leaving no one behind to go out to destroy the Israelites. The Israelites are now trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army! Enter God's response...MORE POWER! God tells Moses that there is a path available if he'll only put out the shepherd's staff toward the water and it will be shown to him. Moses obeys and God parts the waters in two and the Israelites walk across not through mud, but on dry ground! In the meantime, God also put Himself as a barrier between the Egyptian army and the Israelites, giving them time to cross the Sea. As soon as they are across, God removes the barrier and the Egyptian army takes off after the Israelites the same way they just went through the Sea. Unfortunately for them, God decides to say MORE POWER again and closes the walls of the Sea on the army and not one of them is spared.

Ever find yourself in a situation that you can't think or find a way out of? Guess what? We serve a God that cares about what we care about and also loves to work in our situations that cause us to acknowledge that He has MORE POWER than we can even imagine! The catch is that we have to give God the chance to work. So many times we stand in the way of letting God do something awesome and we miss out on seeing something incredible in our lives the way God would want to. So let's call on the one with the MOST POWER and let Him do something great in our lives today! Have a good one guys!

Ron Foster

God the Righteous Judge E-100 Day 19 (Genesis 12:1-42)

The great part of God that most people tend to focus on is that He loves us so much. God is a loving God. God loves everyone. God is love. Ok, we get that. But do we sometimes forget about some of God's other traits and characteristics and only focus on love? For instance, God is all knowing. God is all powerful. God is also a righteous, holy judge. It is because God is righteous and holy that makes the impact of His love so great. In this passage we have an example of God in His role of Judge. He has declared the people of Egypt guilty and was now going to carry out the sentencing. Here is where God's love also comes in. God says...guilty, but then says you don't have to be a part of this sentencing if you follow my instructions. God provided a way, by way of a sacrifice, to show that those people worshipped Him in that household and when God was coming around, the symbol on the house would be the blood of the sacrificed lamb on the doorpost. So now it's like God has on tinted glasses and anywhere the blood is on the doorpost, that door lights up as ones that are obeying Him and He will pass by. So even when God is in His role of Righteous Judge, He still finds a way for us to be saved from judgment. Hmmm, saved from judgment. I have a feeling that is going to come up again in the Bible. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tin Cup! E-100 Day 18 (Exodus 6:28-11:10)

One of my favorite sports movies is Tin Cup with Kevin Costner. In the movie, Costner plays a golf pro who at one point in his life was really good and had a chance to be on the PGA Tour, but wouldn't listen to his caddie and failed. The movie starts with him now living in a trailor in the middle of nowhere running a driving range. He ends up getting a chance to be in a tournament and beat his long time rival and get back on the tour when he finds himself facing a dilemma. He had to make his next shot over the water. Now the water was really far away, so if was going to clear it, it would have to be the shot of his life. The best thing to do, would be to hit it so it would be just short of the water, and then it would be an easy shot over the water from there. Costner's character goes for it and the ball rolls into the water. Then at that point, instead of taking his drop right by the water he refuses and decides to hit again from where he's at! He misses time and again only at his caddie's disgust to see Costner basically throw away the tournament that he was winning. How could anyone be so stubborn and stupid?

Enter the Pharaoh of Moses' day. Time and again he was given the opportunity to not have these plagues come down on him and his country, but because of his stubbornness and stupidity, everyone else around him suffers, except the Israelites! I don't know about you when you read this passage, but it turns my stomach a bit. It makes me evaluate if I'm being stubborn toward anything that God wants to change in me and hopefully let that stubbornness flee from me before it's too late! Maybe today, you could do the same. Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

What's in your hand? E-100 Day 17 (Exodus 3:1-4:17)

In this passage we see Moses living as a shepherd. And in his ordinary life, God shows up. God reveals to Moses that He is going to use him to lead His people out of Egypt, back to the promised land. Immediately, Moses' response (and probably our response too) is to start question his skills, or lack thereof, that are needed to accomplish such a task and uses his lack of skills as a reason to not be used. But I love God's response. He doesn't scold Moses, or injure him, or move one from him. God asks Moses a simple question: What is in your hand? Why is this so important? It's important because what was in Moses' hand was his shepherd's staff, but given to be used by God, it was going to be the instrument or symbol used by God to bring about all of the plagues, and even to cross the Red Sea!

God gives us tasks to accomplish and a mission to succeed in, and what He asks us even now is, "What is in your hand?". God wants to use those things that are already in your life, that you already know how to do and don't even consider to be important or significant and make them mighty in use for Him! So what's in your hand? It could be typing. Maybe you're incredible with children, or senior citizens, or teenagers. Maybe you are a great host and love to cook for people. Whatever it is, God is asking you, "Will you let Me use what you have their for My sake and do something that you could never imagine or dream of?" What's in your hand? Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster

The Mini Ark E-100 Day 16 (Exodus 1-2)

We just finished up with the drama of Joseph that we couldn't pull away from watching. Now everyone is in Egypt, and they are making babies like crazy! They've been there, in fact, for many years because in Exodus 1, it says that Joseph and all of his brothers have died, so we know that we're talking probably at least 60 years or more. The Pharaoh also died and the new guy knew nothing about Joseph and his family. All he knew was there were alot of Israelites living in Egypt and he needed them to quit multiplying or they might overthrow him. So his great plan is to issue a decree to throw all of the baby males into the river! How cruel is that? Dude, just tell the Israelites to leave, you know? Anyway, here's the cool part. Moses is born. His parents need for their baby to stay alive so they take their chances. They build a mini ark (a basket that they waterproofed with tar and pitch...smart parents!) and placed him in the Nile River. He floats down river and of all the people in Egypt to find him, the Princess finds him! She hears him crying (as any 3 month old baby would being left alone in a basket floating down a river!) and her heart breaks and falls in love with this baby and decides to keep him! It makes me think that God always knows how to work things out in the coolest way. When He was destroying the earth, God saved Noah and his family with a boat that was waterproofed with tar and pitch. When God was going to save the Israelites, He also saved the "deliverer" with a basket waterproofed with tar and pitch. I love how things get repeated in different ways in the Bible. God is awesome! Have a great day guys!

Ron Foster