Let's see. We're getting ready for a battle. It's a battle that will require us to either break down a wall or scale the wall without getting too many of our soldiers killed. We could get some battering rams. We could get some catapults and fire some huge metal spheres at the wall. We could get bows and arrows and while one group is shooting at the people at the top of the wall, others get huge ladders to scale the wall. While all of these might be workable, viable solutions to the battle plan for the children of Israel, God had another strategy in mind...scream. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Um, God, You're pretty good with like creating things, but I don't think this is going to work. God's plan was that they walk around the walls/city of Jericho once a day for six days without talking. Can you imagine being in the walls of Jericho watching this? Here comes this huge army towards your city. You're scared enough as it is. Then they start walking around the city to surround you, not saying a word. They're just looking at you. They walk around one time, then go back to their camp. Creepy! The next day they do it again, and the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next. Then on the seventh day, God's instructions were to walk around seven times, then the priests would blow their ram's horn for a very long note, and everyone was instructed to scream as loud as they could. Imagine again the anxiety being built up with the people of Jericho. There is something different about this day because they are walking around much more. Something is going to happen! They walk around seven times and then everyone stops! The Israelites stop! The people in the wall stop and are frozen...watching! Dead silence! Then all of the sudden, you hear a ram's horn blowing for probably 20 seconds or more. The entire army that has the city surrounded begins to scream! You're getting ready to see them charge because this was normally what would happen before an army would charge...they would scream, but instead they're standing there, screaming. Then it happens. You realize that they don't have any weapons of mass destruction, and before you can think to run, the wall collapses! Not just the wall nearest to you, but the whole wall of the city. The Israelites come in and plunder the place, not to take with them, but to destroy it.
I don't know how Joshua convinced everyone to follow this crazy plan, or if the people were just overly trusting that day. God wanted to show the world that He gives the victory. Especially in this case. I think God definitely needed to something great so the Israelites couldn't take the credit. God's way is always different and doesn't make sense to our way, but it is always the best way. How cool is it that God's way had them all shouting? When was the last time you shouted for God? Why don't you give it a try today. Have a good one guys!
Ron Foster