Have you ever had one of those moments where someone is complaining about their day, and you're thinking to yourself, "That's it? That's your problem? That's nothing!" There are times when I begin to feel like I've either accomplished everything myself, or that my problems are the worst ones around. In this passage, Paul had come across some people that felt that he wasn't justified to be the one to correct them or that he hadn't paid his dues as an apostle/preacher. Then Paul laid it all out. Let me summarize for you. So far in Paul's journey's he had:
Given a scourging (39 lashes with a cat of nine tails like Jesus had - 40 was a death sentence) 5 times!
Beaten with rods 3 times
Shipwrecked 3 times
Left adrift at sea once
Dragged outside the city and stoned one time
And the list when on!
After reading this, I was reminded of when I was in Bible College and there was a Pastor visiting from Russia. He was in his 60's. He began to share how many times he had been put into a prison camp for preaching the Gospel, and basically put it in perspective as to what real persecution is. Here I had thought that I had "endured" for Christ because I had sat at home on a Friday night or two missing out on the party, been called a name or two because I was in school to be a pastor.
I say all of that to say this: I have been challenged this week to be reminded of our mission as followers of Jesus Christ, and the lessons that He taught when He was here. Jesus said that if the world hates me, the world will hate you too. This is a hard lesson to swallow simply because no one wants to be hated. I want to be liked. But if I'm following Christ with all of myself, then there will be people that don't get it, and will actually try to hurt me physically, emotionally, or financially. And when that happens, I hope I can be like Paul, and brag about it! Have a good one guys.
Ron Foster
Given a scourging (39 lashes with a cat of nine tails like Jesus had - 40 was a death sentence) 5 times!
Beaten with rods 3 times
Shipwrecked 3 times
Left adrift at sea once
Dragged outside the city and stoned one time
And the list when on!
After reading this, I was reminded of when I was in Bible College and there was a Pastor visiting from Russia. He was in his 60's. He began to share how many times he had been put into a prison camp for preaching the Gospel, and basically put it in perspective as to what real persecution is. Here I had thought that I had "endured" for Christ because I had sat at home on a Friday night or two missing out on the party, been called a name or two because I was in school to be a pastor.
I say all of that to say this: I have been challenged this week to be reminded of our mission as followers of Jesus Christ, and the lessons that He taught when He was here. Jesus said that if the world hates me, the world will hate you too. This is a hard lesson to swallow simply because no one wants to be hated. I want to be liked. But if I'm following Christ with all of myself, then there will be people that don't get it, and will actually try to hurt me physically, emotionally, or financially. And when that happens, I hope I can be like Paul, and brag about it! Have a good one guys.
Ron Foster
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