From the reading today, focusing on chapter 3, we see Samuel as a boy living in the Temple. First of all, wow! How would you like to grow up living in the church building? Seems odd to us, but Samuel didn't seem to mind. Eli, the main priest is going blind and is relying on Samuel to help him and learn some of the duties of being a priest. It's night time, Samuel is asleep, and he hears his voice being called. The only one that would call him is Eli, so he runs in and reports. Eli tells Samuel to go back to bed, he didn't call him. It happens a second time, and again, Samuel is sent back to bed. It happens a third time and you gotta be thinking that Samuel is getting annoyed with Eli. Eli realizes someone is calling Samuel, so he gives instructions to answer back and that it's God calling him. Woah! What? God audibly calling someone! Ron, that doesn't happen! I don't believe this stuff! Well, before dismissing this altogether, ask yourself why you choose not to believe it. Is it because you've never expereienced it? I've never been to Antarctica, but I don't dismiss it as not existing just because I've never seen it or been there. Moving on, God gives Samuel a revelation about Eli's family (basically, his sons were corrupt people and were going to be punished). This is the story, but I want to challenge you with this. God still speaks to people and reveals Himself to people. I wonder when was the last time we got rid of the distractions and noise in our life to actually sit and listen and hear His voice? Why don't you try getting alone with Him today? Have a great day, guys!
Ron Foster
Ron Foster
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