In my high school English class, I remember one of the things the teacher told us about writing a paper was to put a sentence toward the very beginning or even a paragraph that would summarize what you are about to explain in the rest of the paper. In this passage today, we are given a paragraph like that. It tells us what is about to be explained in more detail for the rest of the book.
Basically the story of Judges will go like this. Joshua has died. Israel has started to worship other gods (Baal and Ashteroth), God allows them to be defeated by all of their enemies, they pray to God asking forgiveness, God will send a judge to rescue them, and it will all happen like that over and over and over.
How could something like this happen? We're also given the reason in verse 10 of chapter 2: "After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel."
That verse really hit me today. I am to love God. I am to know Him and explore a relationship with Him and make Him my life! But I also have a responsibility. It's my job to make sure that the generation younger than me knows how God became real in my life and that He wants to be real in their life too! I could enjoy the greatest relationship with God ever, but if I don't pass it on, then it will be on my head if the next generation falls away from Christ. Why? Because they didn't know, and it was my job to tell them! So I challenge you today (yes, even you teenager). Who are you passing Jesus on to? Who are you investing your life into to make sure the Jesus is passed from your generation to the next. Someone had to have shared Him with you. Now it's your turn. Go to it. Have a great day!
Ron Foster
Basically the story of Judges will go like this. Joshua has died. Israel has started to worship other gods (Baal and Ashteroth), God allows them to be defeated by all of their enemies, they pray to God asking forgiveness, God will send a judge to rescue them, and it will all happen like that over and over and over.
How could something like this happen? We're also given the reason in verse 10 of chapter 2: "After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel."
That verse really hit me today. I am to love God. I am to know Him and explore a relationship with Him and make Him my life! But I also have a responsibility. It's my job to make sure that the generation younger than me knows how God became real in my life and that He wants to be real in their life too! I could enjoy the greatest relationship with God ever, but if I don't pass it on, then it will be on my head if the next generation falls away from Christ. Why? Because they didn't know, and it was my job to tell them! So I challenge you today (yes, even you teenager). Who are you passing Jesus on to? Who are you investing your life into to make sure the Jesus is passed from your generation to the next. Someone had to have shared Him with you. Now it's your turn. Go to it. Have a great day!
Ron Foster
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