Have you ever planned something out, or envisioned how a certain situation would go down with the best and worst case scenarios only to see a twist come in at the end that you didn't see coming at all? The movie Sixth Sense comes to mind. Think back to the first time you watched it. You're watching, you're watching, you're engaged. Everything is getting solved with the kid, and he tells his mom that he "sees dead people all the time!". He figures out how to help the dead people. Now you're thinking all that's left is for Bruce Willis to mend his marriage, and then the wedding ring drops out of his wife's hand. And it all becomes clear in one instance that you didn't see the entire movie, that Bruce Willis is dead! Oh my gosh! What a twist!
Well, in today's reading we see that Israel has once again turned away from God. There is a prophetess named Deborah, and she tells a man named Barak that God has chosen him to lead the people in victory over the enemy! Awesome news right? Well, apparantly, that wasn't good enough for Barak, so he tells Deborah, I'll go if you go with me. That's like a 12 year old boy going to play baseball at the park with all the guys and saying to his mommy, I won't go unless you go with me! Come on, man! Anyway, Deborah agrees and informs Barak that the honor of this battle will go to a woman.
So there out there in battle and the general of the army that they are going up against is named Sisera and is the man! The Israelites are quickly winning this battle right from the beginning, and Sisera sees this. He gets off his chariot and runs away, leaving the rest of his army to die. He makes it to a tent of someone who is on neither side of the battle, and only the wife is home, Jael. Jael says he can come on in, and hide him. Sisera tells her to get him some water and then stand at the door of the tent and be on watch. Jael gives him milk instead of water (remember they didn't have refrigerators back then, and what does warm milk do to us...makes us sleepy). Sisera falls asleep. Jael goes and gets a hammer and a tent spike. She walks up to Sisera and HAMMERS THE TENT SPIKE INTO HIS HEAD! WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where did this come from? What a twist! When Deborah said that the honor of the battle will go to a woman, we were all thinking that she was talking about herself, but it turns out that she was talking about this housewife with a tent spike named Jael! How awesome!
It makes me think though. Barak let that one slip. God was going to accomplish this plan and Barak didn't jump at his opportunity to be fully used by God. He was still used, but it makes me wonder how many times I didn't jump into God's plan 100% the way God wanted me to at the time He wanted me to do it. Let's not miss an opportunity today! Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
Well, in today's reading we see that Israel has once again turned away from God. There is a prophetess named Deborah, and she tells a man named Barak that God has chosen him to lead the people in victory over the enemy! Awesome news right? Well, apparantly, that wasn't good enough for Barak, so he tells Deborah, I'll go if you go with me. That's like a 12 year old boy going to play baseball at the park with all the guys and saying to his mommy, I won't go unless you go with me! Come on, man! Anyway, Deborah agrees and informs Barak that the honor of this battle will go to a woman.
So there out there in battle and the general of the army that they are going up against is named Sisera and is the man! The Israelites are quickly winning this battle right from the beginning, and Sisera sees this. He gets off his chariot and runs away, leaving the rest of his army to die. He makes it to a tent of someone who is on neither side of the battle, and only the wife is home, Jael. Jael says he can come on in, and hide him. Sisera tells her to get him some water and then stand at the door of the tent and be on watch. Jael gives him milk instead of water (remember they didn't have refrigerators back then, and what does warm milk do to us...makes us sleepy). Sisera falls asleep. Jael goes and gets a hammer and a tent spike. She walks up to Sisera and HAMMERS THE TENT SPIKE INTO HIS HEAD! WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where did this come from? What a twist! When Deborah said that the honor of the battle will go to a woman, we were all thinking that she was talking about herself, but it turns out that she was talking about this housewife with a tent spike named Jael! How awesome!
It makes me think though. Barak let that one slip. God was going to accomplish this plan and Barak didn't jump at his opportunity to be fully used by God. He was still used, but it makes me wonder how many times I didn't jump into God's plan 100% the way God wanted me to at the time He wanted me to do it. Let's not miss an opportunity today! Have a great day guys!
Ron Foster
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