This is funny to me. In Matthew chapter 14, we have the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (we know it was much more than that because they only counted the men). In this story we see the disciples going a little nuts when Jesus says to them, "You feed them." They freak out, and Jesus saves the day by taking the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and continues to fill the baskets so that everyone not only eats, but is full!
The very next chapter in chapter 15 (probably a few days to a week later), we see Jesus with a crowd of about 4,000 men (plus women and children). Jesus poses the question to the disciples of Him knowing that the people are tired and hungry, and He doesn't want to send them away for fear they might faint along the way. I wish we had tones of voices and sarcasm in the Bible, because it says that the disciples say, "Where will we get food enough to feed so many people?" I'm not sure, but this almost seems like they're being sarcastic, you know? Like they know exactly where to get the food, and they just want to see Jesus do the miracle again! I almost liken it to when I'm playing hide and go seek with my daughter, and she's in the room with me, and I see her, but I pretend not to, so I'll ask, "Where is Cecily? I don't see her? Where could she be?" Of course, she'll start giggling and want me to acknowledge that I see her. It's fun. The disciples here had to have been thinking that this situation seems really familiar. Like, oh, didn't this just happen last week? I'm not gonna freak out this time. Let's just trust Jesus this time, it'll be way cooler. And, of course, Jesus takes the food that they have and multiplies it and everyone is full again.
Is there something that you need to trust Jesus for today? Maybe your daily needs? Maybe a relationship? Maybe a habit you're trying to break? How about expecting Him to do something mighty in your life instead of freaking out about the obstacle in front of you? Have a great day!
Ron Foster
The very next chapter in chapter 15 (probably a few days to a week later), we see Jesus with a crowd of about 4,000 men (plus women and children). Jesus poses the question to the disciples of Him knowing that the people are tired and hungry, and He doesn't want to send them away for fear they might faint along the way. I wish we had tones of voices and sarcasm in the Bible, because it says that the disciples say, "Where will we get food enough to feed so many people?" I'm not sure, but this almost seems like they're being sarcastic, you know? Like they know exactly where to get the food, and they just want to see Jesus do the miracle again! I almost liken it to when I'm playing hide and go seek with my daughter, and she's in the room with me, and I see her, but I pretend not to, so I'll ask, "Where is Cecily? I don't see her? Where could she be?" Of course, she'll start giggling and want me to acknowledge that I see her. It's fun. The disciples here had to have been thinking that this situation seems really familiar. Like, oh, didn't this just happen last week? I'm not gonna freak out this time. Let's just trust Jesus this time, it'll be way cooler. And, of course, Jesus takes the food that they have and multiplies it and everyone is full again.
Is there something that you need to trust Jesus for today? Maybe your daily needs? Maybe a relationship? Maybe a habit you're trying to break? How about expecting Him to do something mighty in your life instead of freaking out about the obstacle in front of you? Have a great day!
Ron Foster